Installing windows + pagefile on seperate hd *query*

Hope salami doesn't mind if I chime in with my own question here. Don't want to create a whole new thread on essentially the same subject :D

With two 150gb SATA Raptors (non raid) and 2Gb system ram, would creating a 10gb windows xp partition on raptor 1 and a 6gb static paging partition on raptor 2 be noticeably faster than putting both of those partitions sequentially on just the first raptor? The machine is primarily to be used for gaming, but also some photoshop (larrrrrrge files) and office work.

I was reading up about this on Windows expert zone yesterday and they reckoned max page file size is 3x system memory, hence i chose 6gb for the size of the page file partition, although i cant see it ever getting that big in reality. Then again I think I remember someone once saying we'd never need more than 64k of system ram too.

To give some idea of page file useage on my current system with 768mb ram that page file is at 1150mb, though it has been larger before.
Yes it will be faster on the second drive, especially as they are both Raptors. Get it at the beginning of the second drive and you are away.

About pagefile size: I always set it to 1.5GB with 2GB RAM. It hardly ever gets used, even when gaming (100MB). Even with your work, check out a smaller pagefile size - you can always make it bigger if you need to :).
Thanks for that. I'll probably err on the side of caution and keep the partition at 6gb but specify a smaller page file size. It's not like I'll be limited for drive space :)
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