I had similar when I crashed mine, was offered £500 on the phone then and there which I rejected. Held out for more and got £1200 in the end, MX5 as well. Bought the car back for £100 and so was quids in.
The only instance where it can be written off by a third party insurers is if it's unsafe to repair.
Is it actually possible to cave in the wing, dent the door, buckle the wheel and more on an MX5 without it ending up Cat B?
Not being rude about the car but their hardly substantial, if the wings caved what's it like behind the wing?
Is it actually possible to cave in the wing, dent the door, buckle the wheel and more on an MX5 without it ending up Cat B?
Not being rude about the car but their hardly substantial, if the wings caved what's it like behind the wing?
I don't know for sure I havn't looked behind it yet but the steering is defiantly not safe. I got a phone call from the handler saying they wont be able to phone me this evening to discuss what I've done to the car to make it worth more than 400 but she will ring me tomorrow. I'll ask them then if I got the car for free would they pay out at all.
You don't need to ask that at all, you need to tell them to put you back into the position you were in before, either by repairing your current vehicle or if you'd rather a payout, then enough money to buy one of similar condition to it the instant prior to the accident.
You don't need to ask that at all, you need to tell them to put you back into the position you were in before, either by repairing your current vehicle or if you'd rather a payout, then enough money to buy one of similar condition to it the instant prior to the accident.
issues that arise during the settlement of claims - once the insurer has accepted that a claim is covered under the policy
for example - complaints that the insurer says the vehicle is worth less than the policyholder expects;
We regularly deal with complaints from people who believe that their insurer has not properly valued their car or motorbike. The problem usually arises after a vehicle has been so badly damaged in an accident that the insurer decides it is a "total loss" (popularly known as a "write-off") and not worth repairing.
In these circumstances, the policyholder is entitled to receive an amount equal to the vehicle's market value immediately before it was damaged - and the insurer should offer this amount straightaway.
These case studies are based on disputes we have dealt with recently. They illustrate some of the issues that can arise after a vehicle has been declared a total loss - as well as showing how we assess whether or not a disputed valuation was correct.
In which case, next time, repeat that they should be putting you back in the same situation as prior to the accident and that you'll be contacting the ombudsman ( http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/motor-insurance.html ) which should rapidly change their take on it.
This situation you're in is a perfect example of what they are not meant to be doing.
Whilst that says policyholder, the principle is the same for a third party claimant (ie you claiming off the person that crashed into you).
You're divulging too much information, they don't need to know how much you paid for it, you need to find similar mX5's in the area and print off a bunch of them, this is the price you'll settle for/want your vehicle repaired.
Every phone call is recorded so seriously, stop and think about what you say, don't let them pressure you or bug you. Every phone call I get from all 4 insurance companies involved is "Are you injured?" you just have to ignore it and get your vehicle repaired, same for this, you won't accept 400 as it's pathetic, with print outs you can state it is worth this much.