This screams smokescreen, Intel cant bare to lose face, especially right now given AMD are giving them the unlubed loving from behind... It seems to me BK wasnt going anywhere soon, they'd had enough, i bet they had this story in their backpocket for quite a while. You cant tell me no one in the company knew this was happening, he's the CEO, this stuff happens all the time and a blind eye is taken, im guessing a meeting of the other board members who wanted him gone, given AMD's resurgence, and "Nows the time to play our trump card" and out he goes.
It makes no difference to Intel really as i bet BK has / had very little actual overall say in where the company was headed, a lot of the high end decisions are always board decisions with not a singular voice being able to make that decision.
It is pretty hilarious though, and Intel will save some face with this, although it seems bad on the outside, in todays modern world they can vilify him and still come out smelling of slightly soiled roses, they can then pin the blame on him for all their rubbish over the past years, convenient scapegoat material right there. Next CEO has a ready made excuse waiting for him when they come in..
Like i say it will be nothing but win win for Intel on this, its actually a decent move too, im not surprised they ousted him, they are obviously worried of AMD's momentum.