** Intel Haswell-E CPU's & X99 MOTHERBOARDS NOW IN STOCK!! **

How does the 5820K compare to say the i7-4790K? Haven't really read up much about it but it could be a possible alternative upgrade? Although I guess it would mean buying DDR4 RAM (I have no idea if DDR3 works on the X99?)
It doesn't.
If it's for gaming only, it's mostly an e-peen boost :-)
For other applications, photo/video editing, might be worth looking at.
Here is something a little special...

The Asus X99-S board is for system integrators only, as such it can't be sold online as a retail product...

This is out way around the issue ;)

"Steamroller Asus X99" - Intel Core i7 Haswell-E DDR4 Configurable Bundle

Your bundle has a key feature that is missing two cores. :)

I have a few holidays to pay for first, but I've been waiting for these, so is it possible to order one without the overclock? (I need performance thanks to using CS6 etc., but I'm also more interested in long-term 24/7 reliability than a few MHz).

PS - I'd rather someone else fit the CPU and cooler which is why I'm interested in the bundle.
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