Intel Intel X-25M dieing?

29 Aug 2006
South London
It seems that I am having a problem with my SSD. I have had a 160GB Intel X-25M for almost a year now and it's exhibiting unusual problems.

Occasionally I will see my HDD access LED on my case stay on constantly for up to 15 minutes without stopping or flickering. During this time I encounter freezes with my OS, also when saving a file from a web browser (for example) the computer will hang for around 5-8 seconds. The file will not appear in the directory until you manually refresh, neither will changes to files names or directories.

This is happening perhaps twice every day and is the first real problem I've had since I built this PC. The rest of my spec is below in my signature, I'd appreciated any pointers, I don't know where to start with this one :/

edit: just noticed the title fail...
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Have you updated the SSD's firmware to the latest one? You can also download and run intel's toolbox to check on the status of your SSD.
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