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Intel Nehalem Preview/Benches - Slaughters Core2

12 May 2006
Tempting to get it but I bet come spring/summer next year AMD or Intel will be moving onto Octocores.

From then I reckon its just a case of waiting for game/software developers to catch up ;)

A Q6600/9450/X3350 still a decent upgrade and would hold its own for a year or 2 yet !

Yes, but won`t octocores be for 1567 - Server only? or will they be made available later for desktop sockets as well, such as the upcoming 1366 and 1160 desktop sockets?
26 Aug 2004
South Wales
when octo cores come it will probably be very similar to when we had dual cores then quads came along. octocores will be a bit slower running than quads and only be good for folding/encoding etc, games are only just starting to use more than 2 cores.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I very much am.

The trouble with most people is that they think that just because Intel are currently in the lead, they are all trying to bring doom and gloom into AMD users life.

Not once has anyone mentioned the fact that AMD have actually caught up with the C2Ds speed ( or close enough to NOT see any difference other than Intel specific benchmarks ) and not once in this very thread, has anyone mentioned about AMD bringing out 12 Core CPUs.

No, too many people are too busy harping on about AMDs demise and not actually opening up their eyes to the fact that AMD might very well have more up its sleve than most are assuing and its they, that might actually be the CPU leaders sooner than many think.
25 Feb 2003
Stafford (uni)
I'm calling BS on these... no way Intel can pull off this twice. I mean given how good the Core 2 is why push everyone to DDR3 now when they don't make money on DDR3.

Perhaps they have better cost efficiency with this newer processor so can finally kill AMD which is just holding onto the value markets while cementing their position further in the top end.

I really hope AMD doesn't get too hurt by this because the last thing we need is for Intel to be a monopoly.
14 Jan 2008
Well i have just ordered my Q9450 and won't be upgrading for another two years and while some will say thats too long it does at least gaurantee i feel i have got something for the money. Beuing honest most people that buy Nehalem when it comes out will be doing so just to have the latest thing as most software and games doesn't use the power most users have now let alone buying more powerful kit. As for Amd Nehalem is no secret and i doubt very much Amd has just been sitting there waiting for it to come and destroy them they will have something to put against it whether it is equal or better time will tell.
24 Dec 2005
Beuing honest most people that buy Nehalem when it comes out will be doing so just to have the latest thing as most software and games doesn't use the power most users have now let alone buying more powerful kit. .

They will be buying as everyone wants more speed. That includes you.

Software will always benefit from fast processing end of.
14 Jan 2008
In a couiple of years yeah i will probably be buying nehalem but will i need the extra performance it will bring this year or next no i won't and i will also not need the premium price that will come with being an early adopter guinea pig. Most people that have bought systems in the last year do not need more power then they have hell if software were better optimised we probably wouldn't need the anywhere near the power we have now. Yes there are some doing very specific things that can always use more power but for the average user you are telling me we NEED nehalem.
25 Feb 2003
Stafford (uni)
Most people that have bought systems in the last year do not need more power then they have hell if software were better optimised we probably wouldn't need the anywhere near the power we have now.

Exactly. And a desktop applications user would do just fine on 5 year old hardware right now. These days most people upgrade CPU just for better benchmark results then you have the odd few uber pirates that spend all day encoding videos from their DVD rips so need the power :p
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Its a fact, but a strongly contested one, that even though PCs are getting faster and faster, they are really no quicker than they were 10 years ago, and to a point, this is absolutely true.

For example, you want to type set a sheet for your local community center using some DTP or Word Processing package, or you need to analyse this years budget, or organise a database of your current stock, then there is no true dirrerence between the speed of say a 486&W95 and a C2D&Vista

Sure of course, if we are talkign massive databases consisting of hundreds of thousands of entries, then yes, the C2D will be many times quicker, but who in all honesty here, needs it to do that.

The speed we have for our uses, are

(1) - Gaming. Thats a given.

(2) - As has already been said, Converting downloaded Illegal Videos from AVI to DVD.

Sure, a 486 these days is far too slow, we need a certain ammount of power to play back any Media we want, to play our games and so on, but in truth, the difference in game play between the best C2D and the lowest is not really anywhere near half as much as some seem to try to justify, and to justify going to 8 or 12 Cores will be futile at least for a few more years yet, other than a show-off point.
24 Dec 2005
The last few posts are just nonsense and only based on your own personal uses.

I haven't downloaded and encoded a Divx film to DVD ever as there is just no point.

There are plenty of uses for todays power.

Video Editing
Hi DEF video editing
Audio Editing
Sound recording Home studios
Virtual machines

@ Fat Rakoon...Again your posting absolute drivel again.
24 Dec 2005
In a couiple of years yeah i will probably be buying nehalem but will i need the extra performance it will bring this year or next no i won't and i will also not need the premium price that will come with being an early adopter guinea pig. Most people that have bought systems in the last year do not need more power then they have hell if software were better optimised we probably wouldn't need the anywhere near the power we have now. Yes there are some doing very specific things that can always use more power but for the average user you are telling me we NEED nehalem.

Purchase justification for your Q9450 is written all over this post.
14 Jan 2008
Easyrider whats up you having a bad day lol what i may or may not have bought is neither here nor there really but to say that ordinary average users need the sort of pc's they have now to do what they do is not really true. Games well there even by this forum alone is a subjective issue on how much pc power is needed and how much better the software companys could code their products. Ms office or open office doesn't need the sort of power we have now neither do most desktop programs people use. I did say above there are some that have a use for as much power as they can get their hands on but they are not average users. I am not saying that we as users are doing something wrong\stupid in buying what we do only that we don't really need the power.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
@ Fat Rakoon...Again your posting absolute drivel again.

Maybe but with some truth in there.

I mean for Office-type apps and not video editting / gaming / etc

If you actually believe that a person on the fastest PC in the world running silly gigs of RAM on the latest Windows and the latest version of Office, can type their documents any faster than someone on a 10 year old PC running Windows 95 or hell, even 3.11, or DOS FFS! on some obsolete WP, then thats fine, and its your own ignorance that is blinding you,
14 Jan 2008
How about we agree to disagree it really isn't worth personally insulting people over afterall this is a forum where different people put their opinions you don't have to like\agree with what others say but surely better ways can be found to respond without insulting each other not very adult of us is it.
24 Dec 2005
Maybe but with some truth in there.

I mean for Office-type apps and not video editting / gaming / etc

If you actually believe that a person on the fastest PC in the world running silly gigs of RAM on the latest Windows and the latest version of Office, can type their documents any faster than someone on a 10 year old PC running Windows 95 or hell, even 3.11, or DOS FFS! on some obsolete WP, then thats fine, and its your own ignorance that is blinding you,

The speed of word etc..is down to the speed of the human inputing data. How fast they type the words.

But try having ten letters open and explorer on a 486 then you will see some slow down.

And suggesting that we don't need faster PC's in todays multimedia rich environment is ludicrous.

Its the fact that while you are typing a word document you can have 20 tabs of explorer open,Playing MP3's, encoding a dvd. recording a TV show, rendering a photoshop file ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Thats the point of faster processors.

People tend not to have just one document open in word these days.

They do other stuff while typing letters.

My Celeron 2ghz Thinkpad struggles watching live TV while running IE7 while I have photoshop open.

This laptop is 3 yrs old.

Of course its fine for typing up a letter but people don't just do that anymore.
They multi task.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I know all that, but in an office, you will not be encoding DVDs, listening to MP3 and recordign a TV program will you?

Sure as hell, I do a lot of ghost hunting and yes, I have everyones video tapes and disks when we are finished and sure enough, I need lots of CPU power as I encode the disks and the Tapes into DVD VOB format, and while Im doing half a dozen of those at a time, Im also burning 4 DVDs and while they are doing that, I might be playing WH40K-D.O.W perhaps, so I myself need loads and loads, but again, we are only a small minority of the masses of users out there... A Very small minority.

The vast majority of users out there do not need such power and quite probably never will other than to trawl through their new O/S as has bee nshown to me with the number of users who have a perfectly good system, but they upgrade their PC just because they want to run Vista!!! - I mean, come on!
24 Dec 2005
I know all that, but in an office, you will not be encoding DVDs, listening to MP3 and recordign a TV program will you?

Sure as hell, I do a lot of ghost hunting and yes, I have everyones video tapes and disks when we are finished and sure enough, I need lots of CPU power as I encode the disks and the Tapes into DVD VOB format, and while Im doing half a dozen of those at a time, Im also burning 4 DVDs and while they are doing that, I might be playing WH40K-D.O.W perhaps, so I myself need loads and loads, but again, we are only a small minority of the masses of users out there... A Very small minority.

The vast majority of users out there do not need such power and quite probably never will other than to trawl through their new O/S as has bee nshown to me with the number of users who have a perfectly good system, but they upgrade their PC just because they want to run Vista!!! - I mean, come on!

I work in education and we have just recycled 40 celeron 1.8ghz PC's as the students work was going to suffer.

This is a Internet study area were students run office.

The PC's no longer could cut it.
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