No I'm not, actually.
However, once you add a 64Gb SSD, 4Gb ram and an OS these are about £430. Compared to £499 for an i5 Mac Mini (about 50% faster).
Nath can you confirm about the power supply?
I want to know if the PSU brick is included or not? Some info i have found says nothing power related is included, some other says its just the country specific plug to brick cable that is not included.
If it comes with the brick i can use a power cable from an old dell laptop.
I like it, but no usb 3 is a bit of a deal breaker to me. It will tell down the line (usage wise).
It wouldn't have cost that much more to have a usb 3 hub instead of usb2. For the sake of a few dollars they're allowed what would have been a great product to become something that's just 'decent'.
I had no idea such things existed, that's awesome! Just had a look at the Apple mini mac too, very nice piece of kit. How loud are the CPU coolers in these things? Replaceable?
i like,
is this intels "rasperry pi"
No I'm not, actually.
However, once you add a 64Gb SSD, 4Gb ram and an OS these are about £430. Compared to £499 for an i5 Mac Mini (about 50% faster).