Intel x-25m Slow windows boot 48 seconds

9 Jul 2008
Hi guys,

My windows boot time on my Intel X-25M is 48 seconds. Which is a little slower than my Raptor. I know a lot of people get around 14 seconds on their SSD’s. So not sure what I am doing wrong to be honest .

I just freshly reinstalled Windows 7 on my Intel X-25m. Before I installed windows I used HDDerase. I am using a Gigabyte EX-58 UD5. I am pretty sure the SSD is plugged in into the blue Intel SATA II port. I am pretty sure I am running my SATA controller in ACHI and not IDE, but will check this once I get home to make sure. I used the Intel SSD tool to “tune” my SDD.

Any help would be much appreciated guys :)
I've had an issue where the boot exceeds 1minute however this is usually due to an OC instability during boot that doesn't affect system performance when in windows.

Run a few bench marks to see how the drive performs.

If it sits with reads up at 245MB/s and writes at about 80MB/s then your drive should be issue free.

try downloading intels maintenance tool for the 32nm drives and running it too :)
Ok I think it was due to the stupid boot progam i was ussing, it counted the time from restart till back on desktop. Used another programm and it said "Time to log on 15 seconds" Time to desktop 31 seconds" but the odd thing was I could use the PC whilst the programm was still counting.

I was loading up Catalys control centre, not sure if its neeeded
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