People losing their homes because they can't pay their mortgage due to ever increasing interest rates? God, like this hasn't happened before!! Really, what is the average age of people on this forum? I'm not sure why people think the above can't happen, when actually, it already has in times gone by. Yes, people lose their homes. Yes, people lose their jobs. Yes, people die.
I'd be watching the currency markets personally. The US Federal Reserve increased rates by 0.5% yesterday and they've signaled many more to come. The US Dollar is soaring compared with the GBP and Euro, and because everything is priced in USD, you can expect to pay a lot more for things that you need until the BOE and ECB make that difficult decision to really stick interest rates up to where they need to go. Cheaper fuel and food is much more important than people who borrowed too much money to buy an over-priced box. The banks will happily take back ownership of the property, something they probably want anyway as the rent would be a nice little revenue earner in it's own right. And if a house price crash really does start to gain traction, the banks don't care as it all came about from free/worthless money printing/quantitative easing, and if need be, there's plenty more of that about.