Interlagos - Brazilian Grand Prix 2009 - Race 16/17

3rd Practice beings at 3pm. Quick weather update:

The weather now looks set to decline a little. Saturday started damp and thunderstorms and an ambient temperature high of 22 degrees Celsius are anticipated, giving way to possible showers on Sunday.
Quick help guys 10mins. Anyone know a rss feed or wap friendly website to get qauli results on, as I'm away. hopefully back in time for race tomorrow.

James Allen's twitter RSS feed any good? Even if you're not a fan of twitter, it should give you the info you want.

Apparently It's absolutely chucking it down at the track. Practice session with most the cars in the garages?
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Latest series of Twitterings...

NobleF1 Well no sign of the tropical storm at Interlagos yet. But it has just started to rain

NobleF1 In fact, I should retract my last tweet. It is absolutely pouring down now

NobleF1 The rain lashing down on the roof of the media centre is deafening. Luckily, it's not leaking like it did a few years ago...

NobleF1 Spoke too soon apparently. @willbuxton is having a bit of leakage above his desk

NobleF1 There is no way FP3 is going to start with the rain as it is.
jakehumphreyf1 FP3 delayed...serious downpour!!! Medical chopper cant take to the red now to see @5livef1 team filling for Britain!

lol :)

ouch - practically rivers of water running down the side of the track
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With rivers like this, no wonder its been cancelled.




I can't see much running happening soon.
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