International Space Station

Tachyon said:
The version I'm using is Starry Night Enthusiast 4.5. It's a few years old now, I'm not sure what the latest versions have but when you start it up it updates any comet positions etc...

I've found it really useful if your anyway interested in the night sky as you can put in your location & then go outside & you've a good idea what your looking at.

During the Lunar eclispe thread some one said they can see a faint streak in the sky and said it was our milkyway. Is this true? Can we see our own Galaxy?
droolinggimp said:
During the Lunar eclispe thread some one said they can see a faint sreak in the sky and said it was our milkyway. Is this true? Can we see our own Galaxy?

We can see the other arms in our Galaxy, we're in the Orion arm afaik, and we see other arms and the galactic centre i think.
droolinggimp said:
During the Lunar eclispe thread some one said they can see a faint streak in the sky and said it was our milkyway. Is this true? Can we see our own Galaxy?

Absolutely. You need a good dark location though with no light pollution to see it however.
VaderDSL said:
We can see the other arms in our Galaxy, we're in the Orion arm afaik, and we see other arms and the galactic centre i think.

Amazing.:eek: When ever I see pictures of other galaxys and the total massiveness of them its hard to comprehend just how small we are in all this. Its very strange being able to see our own galaxy from where we are on our planet.

I realise we are on the edge of our galaxy so to speak but to see it. wow..
droolinggimp said:
I see what your saying but there a lot bigger.. Maybe im getting all mixed up and too excited..:p
venus is bigger than the moon.
Anyway, did some checking, and it is definitely venus. Supposed to be exceptionally bright tonight.
droolinggimp said:
Amazing.:eek: When ever I see pictures of other galaxys and the total massiveness of them its hard to comprehend just how small we are in all this. Its very strange being able to see our own galaxy from where we are on our planet.

I realise we are on the edge of our galaxy so to speak but to see it. wow..

with some fancy camera equipment on a good night you can get this
Yup tis very bright. I just tried getting a photo of it but next-doors house was in the way. I tried to raise my tripod on the garden furniture but it wasn't stable enough.

You don't need any really fancy kit to take photos like that. I thought it looked like a photoshop job and I was right: link

Just need a Ha Filter and 12 or so photos to put together.

Nice photo non the less, but it's not as simple as a fancy bit of technology-point and shoot.

droolinggimp said:

This a tracker of soome sort. Its trying to find where it is within my loctaion right now. That way I should know if it is the ISS.

EDIT: Actualy this is very complicated and I have no idea what im doing :p

The azimuth is how far off north it is (in degrees), from the chart it brought up on the ISS (for about south west area) the ISS will be visible tonight from between 3am and 3:07 am (7 minutes) very low in the sky in an almost due south direction heading east until disappearing at almost due east.

to the origonal poster its venus, as has been pointed out, you can see the ISS at certain times, but it takes about 50 seconds-->a minute or so to cross the sky so ya have to be quick looking at it, its just a very fast moving bright star to the naked eye
space is truely amazing IMO. it was only recently that actually saw the night sky similar too that picture that was posted. I was in Ross on Wye and I looked up and the longer i looked the more detail i could see I lay in the garden of my friends parents house for about an hour, i think the girl I'd gone to see thought I was a loon! was quite something though, must get roung to getting a decent telescope!

Davem :)
I have been seeing this for a while now, its always there when i get home from work around 5:30, and stays untill late in the night, it is very low, and almost opposite my house, and always away from the moon
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