These are without doubt the nicest PCs you can buy (that I've seen!), along with the overclock, almost good value for money! Except I don't have a house to mortgage :p I am very jealous of the person that can afford to buy these systems :)
Wow simply amazing but that price is serious business cant wait to see how many are sold(Any of them)... I think I would become an evil genius with that much processing power because I cant figure out what I would do with it all
Where are the benchmarks results on GFX and such id be miffed if I bought a 10 grand pc and it didn't take hall of fame status on a few sites :)
Wow is almost all I can say, puts my little SM8 caselabs system to shame. Do overclockers offer a mortguage on these. Seriously outside my price range, but do want. Well done 8pack and ocers. These certainly must be the most desirable and fastest systems available anywhere????

we need to see some benchmarks comparing the systems running standard, and then with overclocks.

Perhaps apply the overclocks in steps so,

stock run
cpu overclocked, gpus stock
gpu's overclocked cpu stock
cpu gpus overclocked

Would make an awesome video if you demoed the temperatures and performance the systems give vs the standard clock speeds.
What annoys me about this is that I'm sure a number of us would love to be able to buy CaseLabs cases from OcUK but you don't stock them. Then you do custom builds in them.

I'll build my own PC, let me buy a CaseLabs case!

Also, I'd be a little annoyed to spend £10k on a PC then within a few month have a new gen CPU come out and replace mine in the line up and then a new line of graphics cards come out. I'm not saying these system will suck, 4 Titans is going to be awesome for a long time yet, especially if scaling ever gets better with 4 cards (I seem to remember 8 Pack himself telling Kaap that even with his 5GHz SB-E chip he wouldn't be able to make use of 4 Titans and that 4 Titans were a waste of money, now 8 Pack builds a PC with 4 Titans and a (possibly) slower clocked CPU...). But if you're paying £10K surely you want the best, not the previous gen, even if performance difference is negligible.

Well. A computer will always need upgrading. You will have 8pack on your side for this though and he will assist with all this.

All systems come with a numbered custom plate that has your system number and official 8pack signatures etc on.

Regarding case labs. They are exclusive for 8pack systems now. But...

Drop a message in the product suggestion forum if you want one :)
£6.599.99 for the Hypercube yet you only get 8gb of ram.

High performance cherry picked ram. One of only 5 units which made this stringent requirement in the world.

These are dimms pulled from a production line especially for this project by the manufacturer to show their support for 8pack brand.

You would literally have to buy thousands of memory kits to find something that is able to be tuned to this level. We do it for you and 8pack gets the kit tighter than the manufacturer rates too.
What annoys me about this is that I'm sure a number of us would love to be able to buy CaseLabs cases from OcUK but you don't stock them. Then you do custom builds in them.

I'll build my own PC, let me buy a CaseLabs case!

Also, I'd be a little annoyed to spend £10k on a PC then within a few month have a new gen CPU come out and replace mine in the line up and then a new line of graphics cards come out. I'm not saying these system will suck, 4 Titans is going to be awesome for a long time yet, especially if scaling ever gets better with 4 cards (I seem to remember 8 Pack himself telling Kaap that even with his 5GHz SB-E chip he wouldn't be able to make use of 4 Titans and that 4 Titans were a waste of money, now 8 Pack builds a PC with 4 Titans and a (possibly) slower clocked CPU...). But if you're paying £10K surely you want the best, not the previous gen, even if performance difference is negligible.

None of the systems have four Titans!!! I always stick with what I say!! Its inefficient without around 6ghz CPU power. I would know I have several CPU 6ghz+ capable!!

The CPU overclock is dependent on the CPU in hand in these systems the figures quoted are at least figures. Some systems will indeed be higher than these values.

There is upgrade options when new gen appears in these systems called 8Pack for life. With labour costs of upgrading being totally free and the tuning and clocking too. Some financial companies pay me a lot of money per day to overclock there systems and these systems go through around 12 hours of testing alone so the upgrade with real warranty is a massive plus. The user only pays for parts.
All the customers for the systems get full benchmarks and stability reports within there welcome packs. All can be rest assured that the benchmarks are of teh highest level but each system will be different.

RJK covers the RAM choice in the Hypercube well. Hynix MFR 5 Kits made for amazing timings at 2933mhz and to look great within the system.
There you go. 8pack said it better than me.

An excellent service. And that's what your money buys you. It is security and future proofing
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I'm slightly confused by the water cooling setup on the titans :confused:

Whats the confusion mate? The systems are dual loop. All of them. seperate temperature sensitive components such as CPU from not so sensitive graphics. fans run at 50% or less to maintain stability at full loads to ensure a silent system.
I'm fairly certain you can guess mate. If not then pm me. ;)

Ah the chap in Portugal I presume?

I hope so as I know first hand what dedication and attention to detail ricardo puts in.

An extra layer of quality on an already superb system.

Naked chips on the 3/4770k's or just ultra high bins?
With good chips naked etc No Need!!! They are great silicon, with the best its not necessary.
Is there any chance OCuK will sell binned chips? For a premium of course. These kind of systems are for people with deep wallets, maybe selling binned components would open the door to consumers like myself and 90% of the board!
^ see the extreme bundles ;)

And 4.9ghz on a stock lid 4770k holding some 3ghz tuned memory is damn impressive!!
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