The systems only get the best CPU and I can confidently say of retail Haswells I have the best ones in the world. You only need to visit the bot to see this. Where Haswell CPU power is the most efficient I either hold the world record or am the top retail CPU.

This grade of component is very limited maybe 5 in 100 or possibly 10 in a very good batch. Due to this we certainly will never do 4.9+ DDR2933+ bundles. They take tuning and knowledge, its not off the shelf stuff at all. Once more if the CPU I select at this level where "up for sale" as you would say I can sell to benchers for around £600+ VAT a CPU the absolute best even more. SO the premium would be high in line with the level of testing and quality.

Remember also with the systems the 4.9 is an at least figure. Some CPU are 5+.
None of the systems have four Titans!!! I always stick with what I say!! Its inefficient without around 6ghz CPU power. I would know I have several CPU 6ghz+ capable!!

The CPU overclock is dependent on the CPU in hand in these systems the figures quoted are at least figures. Some systems will indeed be higher than these values.

There is upgrade options when new gen appears in these systems called 8Pack for life. With labour costs of upgrading being totally free and the tuning and clocking too. Some financial companies pay me a lot of money per day to overclock there systems and these systems go through around 12 hours of testing alone so the upgrade with real warranty is a massive plus. The user only pays for parts.

Fair enough on the titans, I misread it.
They do look like awesome systems though. If only someone would pay me a lot of money for something (I know it would help if I was good at something, unless people will pay you to moan?) then I could actually afford one!

I do have to wonder how much difference all the extra tweaking 8 pack does (compared to what I might do, for example) would make when playing games. What game is going to stress a system so much that a 3930K (with mild/average OC) and 3 Titans with 16GB RAM and a couple SSDs won't cope and would need to be tuned by 8 pack?
^^^ The 8 Pack ethos is about the absolute best at all your tasks A system that can do everything as fast as possible, silently and efficiently using ambient cooling.

Its also about styling , branding, build quality, delivery and aftercare / upgrade package.

The system you describe that your running is certainly a good well balanced system and perfect for the majority of users. The 8Pack systems are for those who just must have the absolute best in all areas.
Lost on some of these questions, The 8pack systems are clearly not for the person who wants to make do with their best, but the best retail offering, too rich for me but appreciation goes out to being able to market them!
I would just like to buy a binned chip - as no way could I afford the 8Pack systems, beautiful though they are. Thought there was talk some months ago of ocers offering binned chips for sale - so where are they. I don't really need a Haswell that can necessarily do 4.9 or 5Ghz, but one that would do say 4.7/8 at nice volts. Not too much to ask hopefully.

^^^ The 8 Pack ethos is about the absolute best at all your tasks A system that can do everything as fast as possible, silently and efficiently using ambient cooling.

Its also about styling , branding, build quality, delivery and aftercare / upgrade package.

The system you describe that your running is certainly a good well balanced system and perfect for the majority of users. The 8Pack systems are for those who just must have the absolute best in all areas.

8 pack bins the cpu's to be able to offer the promised OC's , he tunes the ram installs every thing making sure its all runs as intended and is routed to look clean and tidy to optimize air flow.

The upgrade package (when new tech comes out they upgrade it)and life time after care from Ian and OCER'S deffo gives peace of mind.

I just wish I could afford one lol :p

I know a lot of people think they can do it and by all means try, but he has multiple world records to prove he can do it and do it very well.
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Stunning systems and for what you are getting I think the prices are quite fair. If you want the best it costs just like everything else.

Nice work.
^^^ The 8 Pack ethos is about the absolute best at all your tasks A system that can do everything as fast as possible, silently and efficiently using ambient cooling.

Its also about styling , branding, build quality, delivery and aftercare / upgrade package.

The system you describe that your running is certainly a good well balanced system and perfect for the majority of users. The 8Pack systems are for those who just must have the absolute best in all areas.

Well, from the looks of them they've definitely nailed what they were intended for!

I should point out I don't have a 3930K, 3 Titans, 16GB RAM and a couple SSDs, I was just listing the basic components of the £10K system. My rigs are in my sig, so I almost have it, minus 3 Titans, which is quite a big minus!
My Daughter ( 12) wanted me to buy her ( in her words) that very high end Red water cooled setup , lol when I told her the price she placed her little hand on my shoulder and replied " hmm thats quite a lot isn't it really ..perhaps I can just have a new CPU and Mobo Daddy " lol
Thought there was talk some months ago of ocers offering binned chips for sale

it is not commercially viable really.

we have looked at offering this but it simply raises too many problems when people are unable to hit stated figures for whatever reason.
also it would make the point in buying high end premium systems less attractive ;).

if you could get close with cherry picked chips at a fraction of the price then you may not even consider buying the above systems. from a business sense of view its very good.
OC always offered OC guarenteed chips in the past though :/ Right from ancient Athlons through to early Sandy. (with gaps)
Thats my lottery computer sorted ....simply amazing systems !

As for the price ...look at a new Imac ( for example) and start ticking the options and the price rises very high damn fast for just a pretty desktop. Then look at the staggering systems on offer here with the BEST OC'er in the world personally setting it up and giving support .......

I'll be in touch once i've won that bloody lottery .
Awesome systems. If i could afford, I'd definitely grab one!

What if 8pack stops working for ocuk... Do you return the product to him or you for the warranty lol?
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OC always offered OC guarenteed chips in the past though :/ Right from ancient Athlons through to early Sandy. (with gaps)

The only way we could do it would be as a bundle, CPU, cooler, motherboard at the minimum. Just selling a CPU these days guaranteed at 4.8 or higher is a mindfield as the other components have to be up too the task, especially cooling, motherboard and psu. Maybe one day we will.

In the past it was easier, especially Athlons as we were allowed to modify them by AMD and offer the service. Now unfortunately Intel do place restrictions upon us of what were allowed to do. :(
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