Poll: iPhone 3G - 6 months on, are you still happy?

How satisfied are you with your iPhone 3G?

  • Highly satisfied

    Votes: 103 46.0%
  • Satisfied

    Votes: 65 29.0%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 27 12.1%
  • Unsatisfied

    Votes: 5 2.2%
  • Regret buying it

    Votes: 24 10.7%

  • Total voters
i use linux atm but am building a windows based gaming pc so i cant really use itunes as WINE and itunes dont mix. and thats also why i am stil on 2.1 fw. damn shame apple choose to limit itunes to osx and windows
I voted satisfied as in general it just works and is fast which coming from a windows mobile phone previously is great, however I do have a few annoyances:

Lack of profiles: I need loud, silent and a bedside mode, which is currently not possible.

Flight mode: This works well, but whenever I turn it off, it always fails to turn wifi back on, which is hugely annoying

Inability to add shortcuts to the home screen for say turn wifi/3g on/off

Itunes purchases: i regularly lose songs that I purchased on the iphone when they mysteriously disappear when I next connect to itunes, despite it being set to manual manage.

Being unable to run applications in the background, I'd got very used to always being signed into MSN on WM smartphones.

The inability to charge from old firewire ipod chargers is an irritant as i'd built up quite a collection of firewire chargers which have all now had to be replaced.

If you jailbreak your iphone, you can get an application that toggles wifi on and off, there may be one for 3G too. There's also an app that lets you run programs in the background too, it's called backgrounder. :)
And how happy is everyone now that the new iPhone 3GS is out? I bought my 3G on release and O2 tell me 3rd Nov for an upgrade :(
Tell me about it. My lovely 3G obviously melted in to an unusable, worthless puddle as soon as the 3GS was announced.
how do we go about getting an upgrade? just call 02 up and aask for it? and how much would it cost?

another thing bugging me is will we be able to install cydia and how to wipe clean the iphone so no info can be retrieved
"Those on priority"

What does this mean? Special scheme or something?

This "Priority List". Bottom line is that you have to spend more than £35.01 per month to get your upgrade time reduced.

Figures below relate to monthly spend
£35.01 - £50 - Upgrade one month early
£50.01 - £80 - Upgrade three months early
spend over £80 - Upgrade six months early

So it makes diddely squat difference to those on a standard £35/month iPhone contract.
Well I went to check out a local O2 store.. just out of spite (these are the people I had issues with before).. the short and curlies are that at over 400 quid for a PAYG I laughed in their face and then pulled out the HTC and walked out of the shop :D
Well I went to check out a local O2 store.. just out of spite (these are the people I had issues with before).. the short and curlies are that at over 400 quid for a PAYG I laughed in their face and then pulled out the HTC and walked out of the shop :D

You must have ruined their day man!
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