
13 Jan 2003
This will be for personal use.. my requirements are simple and I was just wondering if any of you have managed with them:

1. Voice & Voicemail - a must
2. SMS - a must, the current lady friend is SMS crazy
3. MMS once in a blue moon so not that important
4. Mobile web - a must and should be able to access websites with SSL etc such as banks/credit cards. Current work blackberry has Edge so I'm used to that speed at least.
5. Must sync with Mail, iCal and AddressBook. Safari bookmarks and iTunes a bonus - additional bonus points for OTA with
6. Must be able to use home wifi for web if in range automatically and use that for syncing with the mac..
7. Should, at a push, allow mac to access internet via phone - infrequent but very useful.

Will the current iPhone do the above? Otherwise I may look at other phones and forget the Apple sync..
Will do all of those out of the box except 3. and 7. which will need you to jailbreak the phone.

For tethering PDAnet is great, SwirlyMMS is a MMS app I remember off the top of my head.
1. Voice & Voicemail - a must YES
2. SMS - a must, the current lady friend is SMS crazy YES, in fact I can barely text on a 'standard' phone now that I am used to the iphone
3. MMS once in a blue moon so not that important YES, but only via an application and it costs a little for each one
4. Mobile web - a must and should be able to access websites with SSL etc such as banks/credit cards. Current work blackberry has Edge so I'm used to that speed at least. YES, it's awesome for mobile web, although i've not used any secure stuff, but I can't see why it would be a problem
5. Must sync with Mail, iCal and AddressBook. Safari bookmarks and iTunes a bonus - additional bonus points for OTA with Will definately sync with Outlook for contacts etc, but I have not used the full features so not too sure of full capabilities
6. Must be able to use home wifi for web if in range automatically and use that for syncing with the mac.. YES, and automatically picks up Wifi at all BT's free hotspots too
7. Should, at a push, allow mac to access internet via phone - infrequent but very useful. Not sure about this. I think it's possible, but strictly against O2's fair use policy
Will do all of those out of the box except 3. and 7. which will need you to jailbreak the phone.

For tethering PDAnet is great, SwirlyMMS is a MMS app I remember off the top of my head.

No need to jailbreak for MMS. There is an app available on the appstore for this now.
This will be for personal use.. my requirements are simple and I was just wondering if any of you have managed with them:

1. Voice & Voicemail - a must
2. SMS - a must, the current lady friend is SMS crazy
3. MMS once in a blue moon so not that important
4. Mobile web - a must and should be able to access websites with SSL etc such as banks/credit cards. Current work blackberry has Edge so I'm used to that speed at least.
5. Must sync with Mail, iCal and AddressBook. Safari bookmarks and iTunes a bonus - additional bonus points for OTA with
6. Must be able to use home wifi for web if in range automatically and use that for syncing with the mac..
7. Should, at a push, allow mac to access internet via phone - infrequent but very useful.

Will the current iPhone do the above? Otherwise I may look at other phones and forget the Apple sync..

Go for the iPhone! it does everything you list, and is amazing!

The other day I was walking through town, while making payments via my iPhone! Amazing phone, don't think I could live without it tbh. :)
So it does over-the-air sync with your home mac now? Ie not wifi sync.

No OTA Sync yet for the content side of the phone, this would be a great feature though if Apple ever get around to implementing it. It will however allow you to download applications, podcasts and music over the air and sync them back to the computer.

In terms of syncing the data side such as calendars, mail and contacts I know it is possible if you are using so called 'cloud' services such as MobileMe or Microsoft Exchange. It doesn't specifically sync to your Mac at home, rather both the iPhone and Mac synch to the 'cloud' service. I don't know the exact specifics as I don't make use of these services, I do have IMAP mail accounts configured which by their own nature are 'cloud' based.
I use a app called Air Sharing, where I can send stuff Wireless to my Iphone. Amazing bit of kit.

But AFAIK you cannot sync like your iTunes with it, etc etc.
So it does over-the-air sync with your home mac now? Ie not wifi sync.

It does with Google Contacts and Calendar - all changes get pushed to/from the "cloud". Emails still via imap but that's no so bad with the fetch feature (e.g. fetch every 15, 30, 60 mins).

That means that contacts, calendar and mail are all backed up on your google account. The only thing I use my cable for is charging and a weekly backup/music sync.
I see MobileMe is effectively an Mail/AddressBook/iCal service that your mac(s) and iPhone then sync to.. all for an additional £58/year.. I use my own domain for email so the fact that it can do that (ie not delete the emails on the email server is a must as my MBP can then download it). I suppose the calendar/contact sync is easy enough via wifi..

Hmm probably get away with wifi sync - I hate cradles, just more junk on your desk and if you need to sync the MBP and phone away from your desk you need to transport yet more junk.. mobile my ass!
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Last question :)

With O2 there are two options - Pay-as-you-go and normal pay-monthly contract. Is there any difference in service offered? With Pay-as-you-go can you change the SIM (as you pay for the phone up front)? I assume the post-pay is sim-locked.

Doing the calculations I see you get absolutely raped on the Pay-as-you-go..
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Last question :)

With O2 there are two options - Pay-as-you-go and normal pay-monthly contract. Is there any difference in service offered? With Pay-as-you-go can you change the SIM (as you pay for the phone up front)? I assume the post-pay is sim-locked.

Doing the calculations I see you get absolutely raped on the Pay-as-you-go..

you dont get raped on payg, im on it and im barely spending £12 a month on top ups and it cost me £390 for the 16gb one (contract over 18months £870, PAYG £576 including cost of handset)
Also regarding tethering - it may violate O2's terms of service but it is easy to setup as long as you're willing to jailbreak the phone. Both Windows and OS X support tethering via Wifi and Windows also by USB (not sure about OSX here). As far as O2 are concerned they still see all of your traffic coming from the iPhone so you would probably be fine for light browsing and checking email on your notebook/netbook. It's things like downloading of files or excessive bandwidth consumption that may trigger something.
I've read that the next major iPhone update will allow Bluetooth syncing, so over the air syncing could be closer than you think :)
So where did you folks get yours? Any difference in service options?

I'm assuming either O2 online/instore or Apple online/instore?
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