
Either O2 or Apple, whatever you do DO NOT get it at Carphone Warehouse.

I bought mine from the CPW, pre-ordered it the day before launch and they had it in store at 9am, went and collected it, no problems at all. Your contract is with O2 so if you have any problems you deal with O2 or Apple. Even the number porting is done through O2, you don't need to deal with CPW again once you have the phone.
Weird I found them to be really good, conversely I found the staff in the 02 shop to be completely disinterested in selling me an iphone.
I can't speak for CPW because I didn't hang around to talk to them, I find that staff in most highstreet electrical retailers to be unknowledgeable anyway. Phone shops are worse, they have staff outside here in Birmingham city center trying to get you to buy a phone. When your making commission on sales you don't really care and try and sell the customer anything. I was just making the point that buying the iPhone through CPW doesn't present any long term disadvantage.
Not sure I'm too worried about video calling. After all the phone network has to support it so this will be the first drop of it and it'll probably be a pain to use initially. Not too fussed on video calling mates..
Hardware or firmware update?

Conflicting reports on that one, so who knows for sure..

Some sites were saying it's coming on the next firmware update 2.3, others are saying it's due for iPhone2,1 (aka iPhone 3). Personally, it sounds like something they (Apple) would want to bang on about at a stage show so it could even be both.

I.e. iPhone 3 running firmware 3.0 :o

“Just a few days ago, it was disclosed that the 2.2.1 software for the iPhone and iPod Touch family of devices was in the final stages of testing. It is said to be released in the next few weeks. Also disclosed, was some of the new features that were to be included with it. Many of the details are vague, but essentially the 2.2.1 update doesn’t add much,” the poster says.

Reportedly, many iPhone users syncing their devices with a Windows PC have encountered problems. According to the same report, Apple is actively working on resolving slow syncing issues for those syncing to Windows.

Other enchancements include “slight changes to the text messaging interface” and “new e-mail support options [...] for corporate users,” the same post reveals. “There is also a new option being tested that would permit all e-mail messages to be deleted at once, instead of the need to select them individually,” the rumor claims.

As far as the 2.3 software update is concerned, the source claims it has gained knowledge that Apple is working on ways to sync to iTunes via Bluetooth. Just like the missing copy-paste functionality, Bluetooth has long been cried-for among iPhone users. Maybe 2.3 is their lucky break. The source couldn't put its finger on a release date for the 2.3 update
you dont get raped on payg, im on it and im barely spending £12 a month on top ups and it cost me £390 for the 16gb one (contract over 18months £870, PAYG £576 including cost of handset)

So just to be clear re: Pay & Go, lets say I opt for the TextAnywhere package and top up £10pm, I get the £10's worth of credit in addition to 300 free texts for topping up monthly for that?

If that's the case, with 12 months free 3G/Wifi that is a significant reduction in the total cost of ownership over 18 months. I'm a reasonably big texter, probably use 300-400 a month but rarely make phonecalls. Even when I do, they are generally brief.

Also another question: I'm with Orange at the moment on £30 pm contract but if I do make the switch to O2 Pay & Go on the iPhone, can I still transfer my old number to the Pay & Go sim? Has anyone had experience with this?
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I've read that the next major iPhone update will allow Bluetooth syncing, so over the air syncing could be closer than you think :)

I hope it allows Wifi syncing with that. Bluetooth should be kept for stupid ear peice devices for double glazing salesmen. I'de also bet more people have wifi enabled computers than bluetooth too!
I hope it allows Wifi syncing with that. Bluetooth should be kept for stupid ear peice devices for double glazing salesmen. I'de also bet more people have wifi enabled computers than bluetooth too!

I agree, it would make more sense.. so it's entirely possible that the source has confused Bluetooth syncing with Wi-Fi syncing.

Fingers crossed!
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