Was almost certain this was going to be a post questioning my musical taste. Although I'm glad to see you served the smiley of instant respect.
Was almost certain this was going to be a post questioning my musical taste.
Would I do that?
Not usually. But then again. It is me.
*burns your Fallout Boy discs*
(assuming you bought them...)
Surprisingly good to hear, artists don't get enough money.
True, but that's the greedy record companies imo.
Yes, my computer, and then of course the back up, the copy on my MBP and the cd.
I'll wait until you get Leopard then.
Are you 'All Mac' by any chance?
What's Leopard got to do with it? Argh! I'm confused!
Shamefully, no, I'm not 'All Mac'.
Excellent. My plan has worked.
What's your main computer then? This is a vital question.
I spent all last night sorting out my iTunes folder. Surprising how much difference all the tags and album covers can make.
Man of Honour suggestion withdrawn, sir.
Bit of a bump.
Just wondering, are you allowed to find album art and put it in Itunes? or is it naughty?