Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

5 Jul 2007
So I know there is now 4 of us doing IMUK in Bolton next year, its been suggested that a thread is started to keep a training log and share thoughts and ideas.

I'd also like this chance to share my own experiences so far in Triathlon, and the training I've done, and a log of my training in the future. :D

Please feel free to add your own thoughts and or training logs etc!

Hopefully this may help spark an interest in the sport, or even inspire people to join in!
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My own Journey:

I began 2010 the same way I'd been for the entire amount of my life so far. Aged 22 I was in pretty bad shape, I was always concerned about body image, but didn't have the get up and go to really do anything about it. I went to the gym, but only really did weights, which made me looking even bigger than I was! I always palmed off cardio work, and chalked it up to having had an ACL reconstruction a few years earlier. I weighed 107kg (I'm 5'10").


In early 2010 something changed though and I realised I was really kidding myself, and I was badly out of shape, and pretty much obese. Rather than making a fuss to my friends about how I was going to diet and get slim, I decided to just get on with it. I realised the only way to attack this was to get my diet into a manageable but sustainable level, and then really go to town on the exercise to create a hell of a calorie deficit. This was helped by largely cutting out the drink. I ran most days, at the beginning I couldn't even manage a mile without stopping. Over the months I slowly built up my fitness and the weight was falling off, I was getting compliments everywhere and I felt amazing, and weighed only around 85kg by christmas 2010.

Up to this point, I'd gotten so much into my running that I was entering events. Cardiff 10k, in 2010 with a 55 minute time, then my local 10k in 49 minutes which was a personal highlight as my first sub 50 time. My next big goal was plymouth half marathon in May 2011. This came and went and I ran it in a 1:46.00 which I was pretty happy with.

Running in Plymouth

At this point I was fairly happy with my body and fitness. So much so that I became a bit lazy throughout 2011, and I ended up going from being around 78kg at the time of the half marathon back up to 85kg by Christmas time, after a summer on holiday and on the booze punctuated with not a great deal of exercise.

This made me a bit unhappy as I realised what was happening. At the time I was cycling to work, which I was enjoying a lot. I then decided to invest in a road bike and got a lot more into my cycling when it turned 2012. It was then that the idea of a triathlon popped into my mind, as a friend had completed the London triathlon in 2011. By May 2012 I was embarking on my own training plan having entered the London 2012 triathlon myself. Halfway through this process, and having gotten thoroughly into triathlon (without having done one yet), but I was loving the training, I decided I was going to go for an Ironman in 2013.

My weeks consisted of roughly the below:

   Mon        Tue     Wed     Thu       Fri       Sat    Sun
24-Swim | 24-Run  | 32-Swim | 32-Run | 40-Swim | Off | 40-Run
48-Bike |         | 64-Bike | 80-Bike|         |     |

This carried on with a few tweaks in an increase by week of 10% for 3 weeks and then back - 40%, and then increase again.

By the end of the program the volumes were a higher, but I had drawn a line due to the amount of time, and due to really over training the Olympic distance unnecessarily. Coming upto the event itself I was weighing in around 77.5kg and was feeling really fit. My best 10k run at this point was around 46 minutes. I had a good amount of open water swim experience having joined my local lake during the summer, and during training had cycled a lot. 165miles in a day my biggest ride to date :D

During my training I also made the decision to enter Ironman UK 2013. More on that later in this thread.

My London Race Report:
Up at 5.30am with a large porridge and coffee. Packed all my stuff into the car and prepped my drinks for the race. Was worried about needing the toilet during the race, number two in particular as I seem to have a habit of needing this when I run :o. Although I felt pretty stable at that point.

A 45 minute busy drive later, with a few wrong turns and diversions we were at the Excel centre. I was now feeling the nerves. This became all the more apparent walking into the main hall after having collected my race chip. Wow! It was huge, people bikes and so much stuff everywhere. Everyone seemed to be doing something or going somewhere too. Quite overwhelming, but inspiring and nerve wracking at the same time. I wandered over to the racking area with all my gear, and tried to set up my first transition area. To be honest I didn’t really know what I was doing, and just guessed at where to lay everything out in some sort of order. Bike with number helmet and glasses led on top was a useful idea. Whipped my wetsuit on waist high with tri suit underneath and took my goggles. A quick toilet stop and first catch up with my parents later I attempted to hydrate, and have a toilet stop. Although the latter did little to settle me as nothing would come out! :o

Wetsuit on and over to the gathering area for the swim, this was when I was feeling the nerves a little more, but the excitement was also building now.

So many unknowns, what would the swim be like, would I be slow, would I bonk, would I get punched etc etc, so many questions. Our wave was segregated into two and we separately made our way to the water after the initial group. I was in the latter group. Down the stairs to the water, “jump in guys”, :eek:, ok. Felt great jumping into the water, and made my way into the middle of everybody else there. The first group were off, and our buzzer sounded shortly after. I was going! Swim stroke felt odd at first due to the volume and proximity of people, but I quickly settled into a rhythm and found some space. Sighting was easy as there were quite a few things to see. I seemed to be swimming nice and straight too. Good strokes occasionally punctuated with forced breaks having belted into someone, or vice versa. Nothing painful though as there seemed to be plenty of space either side of people. I felt good and felt like I was passing quite a few of the other swimmers which gave me confidence, although I was conscious of trying not to go too hard too soon. Mild muscle pain developed but I knew I could easily push through this, which cleared up quite quickly. This was followed by a mild stitch which wouldn’t go away so I tried to work on slowing my breathing and breathing fully, although this never really subsided.

First bouy came up and turned into a bit of a scrum, but I just pushed on. Checked the watch as I assumed this may represent the halfway point. 10 minutes. I wished! Turned onto the longest leg of the swim back up towards the excel. With no visual stimulation beside the occasional sighting and seemingly little in the way of sensory stimulation the swim gave me a lot of time to think about the race. I was finally doing what I’d trained so long for! I felt good and I considered what the bike would feel like. The weather was holding up well, despite being a little cold and grey but was dry and the water was relatively calm. I pushed on and tried to inject a little more pace as I felt confident. Round the last bouy through the scrum again, and towards the pontoon and the outstretched arms of the helpers. I kept sighting as I just couldn’t wait to get there! After a few breastroke kicks to wake the legs up I was hauled out of the water. Cap and goggles off, through the arch and the shower, I was jogging towards transition. 26 mins the watchface told me. A decent swim time! Wetsuit ripped off nice and quick and into the bag provided. Jogging towards transition again felt awful, up the flight of stairs into the excel felt even worse! Began to walk towards the bike which was a mistake.


The swim left me a little dizzy and disoriented breathing heavily with a nasty stitch. Began jogging to the bike again to which I struggled to find at first. Wetsuit down, feet on the towel, socks on, compression layer? Compression layer? Jacket? Compression layer is inside out! Turn it the right way round, I’m sweating, I’ll be ok without it! Number belt on, helmet and glasses on. And I begin to wheel the bike out. My bike shoes feel surprisingly ok to jog out in so I set a reasonable pace (SPD-SL shoes). Garmin is turned on by now but fails to get a signal inside. I jump on the bike past the mount line and am on my way, first to navigate the concrete ramps of the excel, and then finally out onto the open road. Legs feel great and I’m quickly powering towards Westminster. Body feels cold to begin with but quickly warms up. I am flying! Overtaking everybody I feel fantastic, amazing to be constantly sat on the aerobars and setting a good pace. The bike course is fantastic fun, especially through the downhill tunnel sections which are nice and warm. After the first turn I realise I am now going into a headwind, but it’s not too strong and does little to hamper my pace.

One big lap and one little lap later I’m wheeling into transition with a 1.02 bike time which I’m over the moon with. Very good pace. Bike onto the rack, helmet off, trainers slipped on number belt spun round, gel from the bike and I’m off on the run course. Initially don’t know which direction to take but eventually find a bloke to follow. He asks for the time which I give. 9.39. this means I’m on target for a sub 2.30 race? Go go I think to myself :D. Out onto the course for the first time I feel really good. The laps are fairly small though and very twisty, not a very fun course. Would have much preferred an out and back style loop. The crowd are great, and seeing my friends and my parents every lap is a real boost, and a definite plus of a lap course. 3 laps down I’m beginning to feel it, and my stitch which disappeared for the bike leg is back, and I seem to have a lot of gas in the stomach. The intestines start to move as well and I’m really worried about needing to relieve them! :o


Eventually the fourth lap comes, I keep telling myself that I’ll only get one chance at this and to make it count, it helps, as does the knowledge that this is my last time round this ruinous little course. My feet are burning at this point and I think of the finish line. On the way back to the excel I begin to inject some more pace, and go for it. Up the ramp into the excel and round towards the finish in a sprint now, round the last turn and up onto the finishing ramp. I’ve done it!!! That was hard! Is my first thought, as I grimace and stumble towards the guys handing out medals. My parents are there with open arms and the emotion overcomes me for a while. I finally finished, and all the training is finally come to an end, with a tangible and good result!! I compose myself and feel ok. All I can seem to tell people is that the race was hard! My dad directs me over to an icebath which I sign up to and jump in. so cold, eventually the pain numbs and I can feel the benefit. The guy running the stand is great and wants to chat all about my race and nutrition etc. he notes that I planned a very good race nutritionally, and it certainly worked well for me bar the stitch.


I eventually jump out of the ice bath, but I just cant warm up, I go off to collect my bike and stuff, but cant find my wetsuit. After a few laps of transition I give up and queue to make my way out, with all my layers applied in an attempt to warm up. After being told numerous times Ive got blue lips, I get a chilli jacket potato and cup of tea inside me. This fails, so I decide to get changed from my wet trisuit into dry clothes. This works wonders and I’m finally warmed up.

A fantastic race which I would do again if just for the bike course, although hectic with slower riders, it was amazing fun! The run definitely could do with improving though. Unlikely I’ll be able to attempt in 2013 though due to the Ironman. The sense of accomplishment slowly sinks in and I’m really happy with my time. Happier with a 2.31, safe in the knowledge I have plenty to work on to be able to go well sub 2.30 maybe even 20.
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That was a great read, well done to you for getting your backside in to gear!

I've become increasingly interested in triathlon myself, Until recently (just getting over a 3 week back ache) I've been running 3 miles 3 times a week and cycling 10 mile round trip to work daily. I've also been doing a 7 mile hilly bike route once a week.

On top of this I've really gotten in to watching cycling and triathlon on TV. I wasn't sure at first because of my age 44 (most say I look mid 30's) if was too old! but after watching allot of middle age men complete the Nottingham outlaw full triathlon. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't at least attempt a sprint :)

My backs almost back to normal and I shall be resuming my cycling and running next week. I'm also going to buy a road bike in the next couple of weeks (using a mountain bike atm) got £1200 but I'll need everything, bike, pedals, shoes, clothes and any other bits

I think the swimming is where I'll really struggle as I've only ever done it for fun and the furthest I've ever swam is across a lagoon in Turkey about 400m and it about killed me! So I really need to train hard on this and also perfect my stroke as I know it's rubbish!

How long does it usually take to comfortably swim 400m? planning on doing 2 sessions a week

I'm not gay or owt! but you do look in great shape! a huge improvement :)
Awesome read. Well played. I plan to start running again over winter. Would love to complete a half marathon next year. Iron man is probably a bit ambitious though :)
Great read, you certainly had a better London race than I did!!

I started off with running about 4 years ago in a bid to lose some weight. I'm also 5'10" and at the time weighed 13 stone. I'd run a few Great North Runs in the past and my best time had been 2:10. A few of my friends run for Gateshead Harriers and encouraged me to go along to the training sessions. This was a bit daunting as I was a lot slower than them and thought I would be the slowest. Well I was the slowest but I stuck at it as I soon saw results. Within 2 years I got my Half Marathon time down to 1:33. I'm still one of the slowest in my group at the Harriers but I never thought I would ever get close to running 1:30. I've also completed 4 Marathons with a PB of 3:41. I'll be looking to break 3:30 in the next year which will be another massive achievement personally.

This running lark was all well and good but I started to crave something more so I suggested to my friend that we should do the Ironman. This was met with ridicule from the other runners and everyone else we told. In the end we decided to enter the 2011 UK Ironman 70.3. So, without any research, no bike, and not being able to swim, we paid our entry fee and so began a new (and expensive) hobby.

First thing was to get down the local pool and see whether or not I would drown. Managed to do 1 length and felt like my entire body was going to explode. Again perserverance was the key and getting in the pool 3 times a week along with a weekly lesson meant within a couple of months I could swim 2km without stopping. Not very fast I may add, but I knew I could cover the distance. Next on the list was sorting out a bike. I bought a 2010 Cube Attempt road bike. On my first cycle I forgot to unclip and landed heavily on my knee and elbow. Pride was more damaged than my bones luckily and I forgot about it.

My first Triathlon was a sprint and went without incident. Used it mainly to get an idea of the logistics of transition and just a general feel of how the whole thing works.Next was the Wetherby Olympic distance. This would be my first River swim and it was an experience. The current was very strong. Took 25 minutes to swim the first half but only about 15 on the way back. Bike was slow as this was my real weak point and run was steady for an overall time of 3:11. I was pleased to have done the distance but knew the Ironman was going to be a real struggle.

So the big day came. Driving round the bike course the day before I became very aware of how unprepared I was. I'd read on Ironman website that Chris McCormack had described this course as the toughest in the world and I was starting to see why!! Hills everywhere.

The weather was good and the lake was calm so my swim went fine. 52 minutes which was what I expected and then the hell started. I managed the first lap but already felt like giving up. My legs were no where near strong enough. I quickly realised I had underestimated the amount of training I should have done. The second lap was torture and at one point I had to stop off at a hedge as my bladder was full. This would come back to haunt me. There was a 5:30 cut off for the bike meaning if I didn't make it back in time I wouldn't be allowed to start the run and wouldn't even have a bike time recorded. Well I got back in 5:32 missing the cutoff by 2 minutes, or the time it took to stop and have a wee!!! Absolutely gutted but got to see my mate finish in 6:18. I vowed to enter again for 2012 as soon as entries opened and work my backside off to finish the next year. I did another few sprints in 2011 and again at the start of this year. I also did a LOT more training. I bought a turbo which I used throughout the winter and then bought a 2011 Scott Plasma 10 which made last years bike feel very inadequate.

Conditions for this year's race were almost identical to the year before. Swim went identically to 2011 and finished in 52 minutes again. The swim is where I am aiming to improve a lot over this winter! Bike was a slight improvment. I finished the course in exactly 4 hours. This was 32 minutes quicker than last year. It was just a relief to get onto the run course knowing I had failed by this point last year. Run was very hard. The course was a bit like a cross country course but 13 miles long! It took me 2:18 to finish but the feeling going over the line was immense. Total time was 7:27. No world records being broken but for me it was all about beating the Demons from last year.

That brings us to now where I am now officially an entrant in the full Ironman in Bolton. I am at a point now where I know what my weaknesses are and how to address them. Primarily I am aiming to finish the race but I also have a finish time I would like to reach.
My little story

I suppose that this story goes back 10 years or so when I was at school. I was a strong swimmer…the strongest/fastest in the school. I could give the guys 2-3 years above me a good thrashing and still have energy to do it over and over again. I’ve got my father and grandfather to thank for that, run’s in the blood. I was also a member of the cross-country team, I don’t know how I ended up in that but I loved it. I wasn’t as good at running as I was at swimming, but I found it so enjoyable. My season(s) were hampered by injury however. I used to get shin-splints within the first mile which ruled me out for pretty much every event. After lots of rest I could compete probably once a month. Trail running was just a dream.

I then went to uni where I found drink and nightclubs. I just dropped everything. After uni I travelled a bit and had various jobs around the UK so didn’t have much stability needed for any endurance event.

Rewind/fast forward to May last year I was invited to enter an Olympic relay triathlon with colleagues. My team already had a runner and a cyclist…well a few years prior I was a strong swimmer. Made sense to do the swim! I was really really nervous starting but when the whistle went I was in my element. Didn’t exactly get a good time but I found a rhythm and finished. I was swimming 2-3 times a week in a pool for 2 months prior so I was in good swimming shape but I had never swam open water before. I loved the whole triathlon ‘thing’. I love technical sports so seeing awesome futuristic bikes everywhere was a dream. Inspirational / push the pain barrier performances from a whole spectrum of athletes was great to see…I wanted to be part of that.

At the same time my different colleagues were getting road bikes on the cycle to work scheme. I got my bike in January. I was also getting back into running as I live by the canal/Thames in Reading. Signing up to some sort of individual Tri was a natural step.

This season ive done one Olympic distance and three sprint’s. Distances vary slightly but on the whole ive improved in each sport every time.


A few people inspired me to sign up. Firstly my dad, not because he’s done something…but because he hasn’t. He stopped any kind of sport shortly after school and doesn’t partake in sport of any kind. I don’t want to be like him in that respect. Family friends joke that we are the most unsporty family that they know, I want to give them the middle finger. Secondly I have a close friend (see OCUK relationship thread) that took part in a TV show called ‘Last Woman Standing’. On the show she took part in a rowing challenge but got an injury in the first 1/3, but still won the event. Can I be as ‘hard’ as that? Only one way to find out.

I also watched a youtube clip of chrissy Wellington in kona. She was leading on the bike but got a flat tyre. Most of the field passed while she was fixing it (no spare C02). She stormed past the field to retake first before the end of the bike, awesome. How inspirational.

I want to be part of the club, one of the few people (on the grand scheme of things) that push things to the limit. I want the tattoo(s). I want the pride. Everyone knows ironman to some extent….good chat up line/ice breaker I can imagine. So I signed up. Not just to one but to 3. Outlaw, Ironman UK..and Ironman Wales (pre-signed).

Throughout my life ive always hovered around the 85kg mark. 2-3 months into training and im around 77kg mark. I’ve never been fitter…faster…stronger than I have now. I haven’t even sorted out my diet yet. Future is quite exciting in that respect.

This is the schedule im currently following. Training sessions are ‘loose’ right now. For example, my swimming sprint training would be something like 2x750m at race pace…with 5-6 length SPRINT’s in between. I train in a 33m pool. I’ll nail this out soon enough.

The ironman is my own little journey, but im thrilled that I have 3 other people (and 1 who’s done it) on here going through exactly the same experience for exactly the same event.
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Good job to you all!! Congrats on getting the courage/desire and determination to first of all enter! It will be a wild ride that will test your strength/stamina and mental ability!! You will LOVE the adventure though and should be one of your biggest accomplishments :D

My story:
Never done any kind of race/event before in my life (in terms of running etc), so my first event was the Ironman! Figured go big or go home right?
I've always been extremely active and always will be, doing the Ironman was just a little test for myself to prove I could do something like that.
Now onto to some other challenge!
Fantastic to read your guys stories too, thanks for taking the time to post them!

Kiteloopy, if you enjoyed the chrissy wellington clip you should check out the whole videos, they are a great source of inspiration.

Ironman is something I've got my eyes on, though I reckon I'd go for a half ironman first. The full Ironman still seems a little out of reach for me. I've only just begun thinking about entering an endurance triathlon recently and have never tried a triathlon before. Here's where I am with my currenty abilities:

My strongest point. I used to be a competitive swimmer and a decent one at that. I'm currently capable of swimming (in a pool) a half ironman (1.2 miles / 2k) in 30 minutes. Have done a 3k in 45 minutes but have never attempted the full ironman distance. I think with a bit of training specifically geared up to this, I'd be able to get a sub 60 minutes for the full 2.4 miles. I've never done much open water swimming, but have found a local club (Ye Old Ancients Bathing Association) that i'm going to sign up for next year.

I have a cross country bike and I use it - though not as often as I like. I get a decent cycle in about once a month on average and while it's a fancy light XC bike, it's still cumbersome for road use. The furthest I've cycled on it is 40 miles, which took me just shy of 3 hours. I need a road bike and am seriously starting to think about getting one.. somehow. (they're so expensive :()

Total noob. I started the couch to 5k program and am at a point where I reckon I could run the full 5k without stopping and am on target to hit 24-25 minutes when I do. I am having trouble with my knees however, and need to get round to seeing a physio about them.

So based on all of that, I reckon I'd be able to complete a half iron-man with a decent time within 6 months! (provided I had a bike and my knees let me). Realistically though, I'd like to do one at the end of next summer, as the open water swimming club doesn't open until May and I need to figure out how to buy a bike. When/if I complete the half, I'll be gunning for the full.
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