Ironman UK 2013 Training/Progress Thread

Just entered too! :eek: wasn't in the original plan, but after reading fink's be iron fit, an deciding to do the 30 week program it fits perfectly with the main IMUK goal. Can't wait now! :)

Just need to find a nearby oly distance race for mayish time now!
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So, bit of an update from me about my winter training. I've decided to follow Don Fink's 30 week competitive plan next year for the Outlaw Half, and then IMUK. But the training plan won't start until the beginning of the year so I'm kind of following half of Fink's plan and half my own. I've completely got on board with the heart rate training aspect though, and am only training in Zone 2, which is actually really enjoyable. I figure building more base for next year can't hurt.

I've stepped up my running a lot too. Before London Tri this year my long run was only around 5-6 miles; I was also suffering achilles pain after 4 miles. I had a good 10 mile run yesterday, and felt good to finish, I've built it up slowly to there and with new trainers and slow build the achilles pain has now gone!

I thought I was going to struggle massively after the clocks changed as this would mean no after work cycling, and no running my favourite trails. I've adapted to running in street lit areas in the week which is fine, and then my long run on a Saturday morning which I can do anywhere. My cycling (Which was easily my strongest discipline this year (1:02 bike split at london oly)) has suffered with the clock change and weather though. I'm only using the turbo during the week, but then am struggling to get out at the weekend. I would be out today, but its absolutely bucketing it down :(

Swimming is going pretty well, and is just staying consistent with last year really. I've also been consciously monitoring my weight to drop a bit and am now down to 76.5kg, and lowest body fat I've ever been in my grown life :D.

Training plan looks like this at the moment, I really can't wait to have some good weather and get a good session on the bike in.


Also, does anyone here use ice baths? I am now a massive convert, I used to get a fair few aches and pains the same day after my long runs. 10 mins in a bath run on full cold, and absolutely no aches or pains at all, not even the next day!

How's everyone else getting on?
Most of my time lately has been spent running and at the gym on the weights.

I had to drop out of the Newcastle Town Moor marathon at 18 miles last week. Knee started to hurt at 15 miles, I pushed a bit more but decided next year was too important to get injured at this stage. A bit disappointed but it wasn't my most important race this year so I think it was the sensible thing to do.

I'll be cutting the running down a bit now. I'll still keep ticking over and I've got a 10km and a few cross country races coming up over the next few months.

Going to get back in the pool this week and really try and knuckle down on that. I want to improve my technique and speed before my IM training schedule starts in January.

Turbo is now set up in my office (work from home) so when I get bored typing code I can put a film on and crank out a few extra miles. I did this last winter and found it to be excellent when it was snowing outside!!

Just signed up for the London Tri again next year. I got a free entry due to most of my event being canceled this year - stupid weather!! It's only a week before IM so I picked the Sprint. It's also on the Saturday which is a lot more convenient for me!!
I'd set today as the target date for my training to begin and so it did with a 34 mile ride, I'm working nights so tonight should be interesting.

I'll be in the pool tomorrow which will be my main focus of training as quite frankly I suck at swimming and I feel it will be my biggest hurdle but once I've got it down at least it will be out the way first at IM.

I've continually suffered with a knee problem from when I started playing basketball when younger and after seeing a few doctors and physios which were little help ill be having an MRI scan at the beginning of December to see what the problem was, fingers crossed its manageable.

All the best to the others starting their training.

Also where's everyone staying? Me and my mate who's also competing are staying at the premier inn at Warrington north east.
I havent done any training for about 5 weeks now, if not slightly longer. I had 2 weeks off after my oly tri...then pulled my thigh playing hockey shortly after....then my groin, twice.

I need even more time off just to get back to normal. Sad times.
Got the results from my MRI back and I've got a tear in my meniscus and a cyst in there too. It looks like ill be having surgery but I should be keyhole hopefully and not too much of a problem but ill know more when I meet with the surgeon. Fml.
Oh dear Kingy, doesn't sound great!

My training started in earnest last week, I have been getting quite a bit of volume in before xmas, mostly just base endurance miles (around 10 hours a week ish) following my own program. Have now started the Don Fink 30 week competitive program for IMUK.

Feels strange at the moment only doing 6 hours per week! Other than that I feel really strong thanks to all the base I've done so far.

Program is like this for this week.


Anyone else doing the same?
I'm doing Challenge Henley and will be using the Fink Intermediate plan with some tweaks (more bike, less run) Currently ticking over at 5-7 hours a week. Did a middle distance race last Sept. in brutal weather conditions.

Good luck to all those going long this year! :)
Great reading all the updates in here, I just spotted this thread and thought I should sign up since I entered the 2013 Bolton Ironman back in September 2012.

I will be using a mixture of the Fink 30 competitive plan and a mix of my own, though it will be difficult at times as I always work away and sometimes don't have access to good facilities - I'll also be doing some offshore oil rig trips which will not help in the slightest!! :)

Good luck to all entering Ironman or whatever event it may be. I'll keep an eye on this thread for sure.
I think I'll keep an eye on this thread. I've just bought a road bike so all being well I'll have the running and cycling parts up to a decent standard by the end of the summer. The idea of swimming for half an hour or more is incredibly daunting though.
Cycling the UK Ironman course ?

I've just registered, got a late charity entry, I was well out of shape until I started back endurance training 2years ago with gradual increases in training and emphasis on my weakest area which is the bike and did my first long-distance Tri in County Kerry(The Hardman event) last Aug but I believe this is much tougher. Has anyone cycled the course or know it as I'd love to travel over one weekend to cycle it and checkout the tough slow hills in particular, at least a couple laps and this would help focus my training, anyone mad enough/interested early some Sat/Sun morning perhaps in Feb when hopefully not icy and when traffic is quietest ?:)
Niceone Rebel, good to have another guy on board. I'm down south in Swindon so the course is a trek away for me, although I might have a recce nearer the time when the weather is a bit nicer!

Although if you sign up to the Tri-Talk forum, there a bunch of guys there that will be up for cycling, and showing you round. There's also a pretty comprehensive site on the course too, although it appears to have been taken down for now :(

In other news, my training is still going pretty well, hit all my sessions this week which makes me happy.

Also got this little number in the running challenge on Strava, logged 29 miles running so far :D

I started my training again last monday...but im not doing any running until this saturday, which when including my hockey matchs is quite a large part of my routine.
I havent done any running since beginning of December. I cant risk straining my groin again so ive given myself plenty of time off and trying to do other things to keep me active.

Spent a small fortune since my last update tho! ALWAYS something else to buy. :mad::mad: hahaha. :rolleyes:

Good to have you in the squad Rebel & thepeteh! :)
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