I have 64Gb. My 6 year old computer had 32Gb.
I'm not a TYPICAL home user.
I use my computer for work, which is web development, and does not come close to utilising the RAM.
Though I include in my hobbies:
AI Programming (Computer vision, etc) - Uses large datasets.
3D Modelling and rendering (initially up to 16k images, for them to be later downscaled)
I don't get paid, I'm not even good enough for that. I do it to learn about them, and because I enjoy the topic.
So I consider these HOME uses.
Even 64Gb is not enough for some of the bigger tasks I try to do.
I also hate virtual memory. It's a necessary evil.
Here I'm sitting with VSCode open, a web browser, mysql workbench, and my email open.
9.1Gb RAM used, 12Gb virtual memory used.
I read people talking all about memory speed, and not wanting much RAM.
That is silly. If all you wanted was speed, you'd get a lot (64Gb min, and disable virtual memory).
I read 'not worth DDR4, DDR5 is soon'.
That is also not a TYPICAL home user argument.
Most people buy a computer and stick with it for years, by the time they upgrade next, they could be on DDR6.
I know the OP has stated his uses, and they seem trivial, and I'd agree not much RAM is needed for those, but the thread devolved into arguments about what are 'home' requirements.
Answer is: They vary.
Someone looking to do trivial things without using virtual memory, is going to need a lot of ram.
Someone looking to learn and practice more demanding uses, is also going to need a lot of ram.