Is car write off?

23 May 2006
Buy back value is usually -30% off market value.
So, no, not really worth it.
really? wow that is stingy, has that changed in the last 10 years or so?

from memory (so maybe not 100% accurate) i think i got around £3500 for my written off car (yellow fiat coupe) and i bought back for around £400

truth be told i didnt make anything of note off buying it back, but i wanted it back on the road as i have a soft spot for the car, which may be a little different logic with a high production main stream car.
Last edited:
24 Sep 2007
The vehicle will be categorised as crash damaged, and this will affect resale value.

If the chassis has been bent, or the engine damaged, this makes it a lot less economically viable to repair.

It probably wouldn't be worth it for you to attempt to flip it, but if you wanted another car for yourself, the repair bill wouldn't be that bad provided there's no hidden major damage.

All depends whether you want the hassle of it.
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