Is cod WAW still alive?

30 Oct 2014
Recently borrowed my roommates xbox i played some cod4, no players online at all. Not sure about WAW, but i spent countless days on zombies and multiplayer. For me when I played cod...waw is like the same era of cod4 but in WII. Seriously do not enjoy the new cods, adv warfare..ghosts..? its become too fast paced and spray and pray..nothing changes over the series.

My main question waw alive on the PC? tempted to get it for the zombies/nostalgia of playing it as a kid haha
I've never been a fan of zombies but most people are. I don't see them ever getting back to the old cod days :(

Idk, I played them on release when it started, and it was fun to me, but multiplayer on this was amazing..much better than the cods out coudnt spray bullets across the map and kill them on this. it was nicely balanced and realistic lol

Moved to battlefield ages ago on the pc, but still miss the good old cod days lol
I've always wanted WAW on Steam but Activision don't really understand the concept of a Steam sale. Willing to pay a fiver, no more.

thats the problem for me atm..I'm not willing to pay £20 for such an old game, regardless of how great it is. And isn't it gaben that has control over the sales? :P or activision actually control it?
Is it still 8v8 on PC as the maps would be too much of a cluster **** if it is any higher, except sealow and Banzai as those maps iirc was the biggest ones.

edit - as I thought custom player size and the populated ones are massive. I think it's best leaving this one as good memory as playing it again wasn't the same and will ruin what was an incredible game.
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Nice to see the zomx server still there, shame theres no players tho, at least at this time, that mod was some of the best fun I've had in any cod.
thats the problem for me atm..I'm not willing to pay £20 for such an old game, regardless of how great it is. And isn't it gaben that has control over the sales? :P or activision actually control it?

Publishers/Developers stipulate the price their games sell at.

For Indies, Valve will "suggest" a price from their experience for their product, but the IP owner has the final say.
Ahh good old WAW, used to love this, and zombies... cod4 and WAW were the best cod's imo they went downhill after.

I still got the cd keys for them somewhere.. might dig out WAW give it a blast!
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