aye, i used to get 'itchy feet' at work over the years depending which game i was hooked on at the time. was always clock watching, waiting to get home and get the game loaded up. from GoW on the 360 right up to pubg.....hell i used make excuses to pop home from work to get a game or 2 of pubg in!!I would say gaming can be addictive yeah, I've been pretty addicted to a few games over the years, all games become boring after you've played them to death though.
What did people do before gaming?
People used to go to the pub to have fun in the evenings, but that died.
Yes, addiction in general is considered poor mental health, even if it is a self imposed habitual disposition.
It is one of the most benign things you can get addicted to though, as it's generally a safe environment. The only major risk is inactivity, with a secondary financial risk; I also assume everyone here understands this.
I think gaming can become an addiction if it starts to take over all your spare time to the point you are avoiding going out socialising or working/doing your course work for education.
Just remember most online friendships are meaningless in the bigger picture of things.
Hide the sausage was quite a popular pastime pre-PS1
I was watching a video of this old couple who drive around on their motorbike and side car. They drove through one of my old nightclub towns (Bolton) on the main street on a friday night. It was empty! When I used to go there I'd sometimes have to walk in the road as there was so many people walking around, even at midnight on friday and saturday nights. It was shocking to see that. I guess it shows how much home entertainment as taken over.
I do play a lot of games still but not to the point of obsession. I might still have the odd 12 hours in a day sesh if the other-half is away...