Is Garlic supposed to make you smell?

3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
Made meatballs and spaghetti last night, said put a clove of garlic, they're tiny!?!?!/ I put 4 in, anyway all I can smell is garlic, cycled into work, and my clothes smell of garlic.

Why does this happen or is it all in my head (nose?)
It seeps from your skin pores. Quite liked and tolerated in Mediterranean climes though. Mix with eating plenty of olives.
Very. Good for you.
Using 2 or 4 should be ok, maybe they were super fresh. I have used much more in the past, Yum.
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Garlic, onions, cauliflower and cabbage are common foodstuffs that can cause their odour to be exuded in sweat and on your breath. Some medical conditions can cause body odours reminiscent of food smells, the condition called trimethylaminuria is one of them.

Garlic to me is a foul smell on the breath or in sweat, quite disgusting. It's a pity it has claimed efficacious properties.
We use loads of garlic in our cooking, and have never noticed a lingering smell - quite possibly because we use it a lot and have become accustomed to it - is it something you use rarely?

Garlic to me is a foul smell on the breath or in sweat, quite disgusting.

I assume you don't like it as it is commonly used in foreign cuisine and so reminds you of immigrants? :cry:
Just me that thinks 4 cloves isn't that much? (I guess it depends on how big of a portion it went in)

Apparently the white/green stalky bit in the middle of a clove can be removed to reduce the smell effect, but I've never really noticed much difference so maybe it's a myth.
Eat enough of something and you will smell of it and so will the items close around you (such as clothing).

A friend of mine is Sikh and has a slight curry type smell to him at times. No problem, I like curry. I’m not sure if that’s because the house will be filled with the smell of cooking or if it’s because of the amount of foods that are curry like that are consumed though.

I apparently smell of dairy at times.. I don’t cook cheese or milk so it must be coming from my skin.

You are what you eat or so they say.
I always use a metal garlic stone/bar after cutting/touching garlic, works great to remove the smell from your hands, which in turn goes onto your clothes etc..

you can just man handle your taps if you want a free alternative :)
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A friend of mine is Sikh and has a slight curry type smell to him at times. No problem, I like curry. I’m not sure if that’s because the house will be filled with the smell of cooking or if it’s because of the amount of foods that are curry like that are consumed though.

Probably a bit of both. My partner's brother in law is Indian and always cooks curry, and whenever we go to visit our clothes end up straight in the wash after because they stink of curry! (They do make epic food though! :D)
Made meatballs and spaghetti last night, said put a clove of garlic, they're tiny!?!?!/ I put 4 in, anyway all I can smell is garlic, cycled into work, and my clothes smell of garlic.

Why does this happen or is it all in my head (nose?)

Yea that's normal. If you eat a lotnof garlic your sweat will smell like garlic that's why your clothes do
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