Is it illegal to shine a laser pointer in somebody's eye?

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General consensus is that its not illegal to do it, but it could result in both a criminal and tortious claim should it cause any reall damage.

So I guess as long as they don't shine it for pronlonged periods into peoples eye's then they're fine.
Probably depends what the result of shining it into someone's eyes was. Tis likely a silly thing to do and if it did cause some damage then wouldn't be surprised if it counted as assault.
If the manager was doing it with intent to cause harm, which could be argued as everybody knows shining lasers in someones eye is a bad idea, then yes it could be considered assault.

To say otherwise would be like saying stabbing someone with a pencil in the arm isn't assault. The pencil on its own isn't illegal, the act of stabbing someone in the arm with it probably won't cause irreparable harm but overall the act is done with an intent to cause harm.
Depends on the wattage, etc., if high enough power to cause damage then yes it would be considered assault as a few people have mentioned.
Well it's illegal to point a laser pen towards to sky (I think) because it can interfere with planes and police helicopters.

Come again? It's illegal to point a laser pen at an aircraft, if it was illegal to point it at the sky I think you would have lots of astronomers complaining (me included)!
In physics class my lecturer said is also illegal to point two laser pens together as the light level can stack up causing heat. Too much heat on the eye kills the retina and make you go blind and deaf.
What about if you have Cornea Keratoconus? Shiny a laser in a succeeded eye could cause light to refract onto the blind spot causing unconsciousness. That in my book would count as assault.

What a stupid idea. What kind of dumb club does this?
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