Is it possible to impregnate the universe with life?

You would need to send life-forms at the bottom of the evolutionary chain, not ones some way up - as they would have nothing to eat/parasite off (as all animals are essentially parasites off the plants).

Also this thread is strange.
Perhaps we're just the result of some cryo-preserved cockroaches, spiders, bacteria and stuff, which were fired off into space 42 billion light years ago?

Or perhaps Asim's suggestion leads to an experiment, which passes through a worm-hole and travels back in time by 42 billion years - actually resulting in our very existence. And without Asim there would never have been such an experiment and so we'd never exist.
Or perhaps Asim's suggestion leads to an experiment, which passes through a worm-hole and travels back in time by 42 billion years - actually resulting in our very existence. And without Asim there would never have been such an experiment and so we'd never exist.

Don't give Christopher Nolan any ideas
Imagine we sent up a load of cryopreserved cockroaches, spiders, bacteria and stuff into space and shot it into all directions in hope of it landing somewhere and thriving?

Imagine in 42 billion years time. Star-Trek could actually be real with the amount of life we will have spewed out to distant planets and even other galaxies.

We should do this, but with wasps. Collect every wasp on the planet and shoot it off into space.Damn things are a nothing but pests!
How would the life survive the billions of years trip in a sealed container without any form of energy such as sunlight?

If something's had all the heat taken out doesn't that mean it has no energy anyway?

I'm sure everyone's seen those videos where they freeze a housefly. Just have a huge ice cube and shoot it towards deep space, when it hits something or lands somewhere ice will melt, therefore reanimating a load of flies which will proceed to mate, eat each other and potentially thrive.
I don't have links to the information, but I read somewhere recently that they know certain forms of bacteria can survive living in space, so that would be first choice for what I would send into deep space.
In 42 billion years humans will be long gone. I think i read that in around a billion years the oceans will all be gone due to the suns heat rising and all life on earth wiped out. Have a nice day.
In 42 billion years humans will be long gone. I think i read that in around a billion years the oceans will all be gone due to the suns heat rising and all life on earth wiped out. Have a nice day.

I heard even if the sun was gone the earth would still be warm because the core is at least as hot as the sun.

anyway wouldn't it just get really cloudy and not as much of the suns rays would get through?
Yes is the answer. we send the spider that mattyfez has captured into space and soon there will be millions of them taking the universe over.

See another GD thread....
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