Is my Ballistix failing?

I'm confused now....I decided to run prime again with my ballistix and it's been going for over 2 hours and seems fine. Could the problem be something else?
bellylard said:
I'm confused now....I decided to run prime again with my ballistix and it's been going for over 2 hours and seems fine. Could the problem be something else?
Run Prime for a while, open your case and feel how hot the sticks are, my old set that failed was scorching and burned my finger when I touched them.

Some (most) sticks suffer from the heat and give instability, I had to bodge a 80mm fan blowing onto the sticks to get them stable and they ran fine for 5 months after that but eventually one stick failed.
This is where the ballistix take you, intermittant errors and confusion. Have you had any problems with posting? That is when I finally RMA'd mine, I'm glad I did. If I was you I would swap them, you will be a happier bunny in the long run.
I haven't had any problems getting my system to POST. I ran prime again the other day after my computer was on for awhile and it failed around the hour mark. Which leads me to believe it's heat thats starting to cause instability in the ram. Seems like it's only a matter of time before they completly fail..... :mad:
bellylard said:
I haven't had any problems getting my system to POST. I ran prime again the other day after my computer was on for awhile and it failed around the hour mark. Which leads me to believe it's heat thats starting to cause instability in the ram. Seems like it's only a matter of time before they completly fail..... :mad:
try it with a fan pointed at the sticks and see if that helps.
I am using that version of memtest. I can't play BF2 at 2.75v on my ram without it freezing within 1 minute of being in the map and at 2.8v it overheats in prime with the blend test within an hour or sometimes within a few minutes. This stuff is so unrealiable, but I'm unsure if I should send it back yet incase they say it's ok because it ussually runs fine in memtest, but never well in games or prime. I would happily send this back for a cheaper set of G.Skill.

I just really hate the fact that I spent a lot of money on this ram(because it was a HUGE buy for me) and if I get new stuff from ballistix they would send me 4x512......It's something that really bugs me now......I've been trying to get a half decent computer with what I can afford and it's just been killing me :(
Yep I hear overheating in an issue with these sticks, mine where certainly very hot when I took them out. I know where your coming from with this, when and where did you buy them? Is it possible that the retailer will swap them for a different set? OCUK did for me. Don't delay any more get them tested by your retailer and get a new set!

You have had memtest errors, a retailer will have a more advanced diagnostic package also - I think there is a good chance they will accept this.

Worst case, if your retailer sends them back, is that I spoke to crucial about mine and they offered me a swap with a standard 2gb cas3 kit, which would be better than what you have at the moment.

Looking forward to a happy post from you in two weeks with your new RAM. PS I would go with something that your mobo manufacturer approves. :)
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Ive just been on phone to cruical and they dont have anymore 2gb stuff in at the momemt, she told me I could wait, or she offered me 2gig of 3200 and 2sticks of 512mb which would leave me with 3gig of stuff. Want you reckon I should do?
is it 2x1gig matched pair+ 2x512mb? or just a job lot of unmatched ram?

my 2x1gb ballistix 4000 are starting to fail also. I havent contacted Crucial yet as i have been giving the sticks a good test in my other rig

in my main rig i have put some 2gig corsair in - works like a dream , nice and cool too :)

the ballistix have ran fine for 3 months till a week or two ago but now are causing reboots, crashes etc
so far @250mhz 3-4-4-8 the ram is too hot to touch & im getting lots of errors - with a fan placed on full blast at them i am getting less errors but still one or two

should i ask for a replacement?
it does seem that for some reason that now @250mhz they are getting far too hot- even though the ambient temp,etc is still pretty much the same
Why don't you hold Crucial up to they gaurantee. it is for a life time ad if they cant deliver you the same product demand you get money back.
Well i ran memtest for 2 hours with no errors but crashed after that time, Im getting bsod's all the time now and crashes followed by Memory errors at POST, So i guess my ballistix have bit the dust. When i RMA them to oc what sort of replacement can i expect ?
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