Is my daughter psychic?

29 Jan 2008
Is the surname either your surname or your wife's maiden name? And is the first name particularly rare or fairly common?
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
REALLY weird thing happened at the weekend witnessed by at least 2 adult family members.

My 3 year old daughter started repeatedly shouting the name (firstname and surname) of her deceased great grandfather whom died years before she was born and has never heard his name.

Strange huh, anyone else's kids do strange things related to long gone ancestors?

Something similar with my eldest when she was around 3.
She had an imaginary friend that she called her Great Grandma and after a few months my Mum decided to quiz her about her.
We thought she was on about her living Great Grandma but she started talking about the one that died 7 years before she was born.
She even talked about her dogs that even I never saw and said she couldn't see out of one eye.
At this point my Mum started crying because only my Mum and her siblings new their Mum was blind, I was nanny reared but I had no idea.

I don't believe in the supernatural so I still firmly think my Mum had told her this stuff even though she swears she didn't.



12 Jan 2006
Kids are like sponges. My daughter when she was 2 or 3 pointed at photos of her dead great grandfather and said "Jim", they take it all in and just because you can't recollect saying it, you will have.

This 100%, either you or another family member has said the full name, she may have even been in another room and overheard it.

Just out of interest, why is it more believable to you that she could be psychic than the much more reasonable explanation of she just overheard the full name at some point and it stuck in her head?
18 Oct 2002
Just down the road
On a related theme, I had a discussion with my other half last night regarding Reiki. I explained to her that is the classic example of pseudoscience and that it's place in therapy for whatever reason should be used alongside, and not instead of, conventional treatments. She wasn't having any of it and firmly believes that it actually influences the "energy flow" in your body. Then things moved onto my explaining the placebo effect, which she denounced as "rubbish". I gave up then lol.
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