Is my work colleague flirting with me?

What you need to do is throw in something about where you're going - pub, walk etc - and see what reaction you get and then suggest she comes with sometime.

My Mrs and I were workmates and I suggested we went for a few drinks. Over three years later we have a house, twins and a dog.
A dog is a big commitment, are you sure you're ready?
Just use the winky emoji chart to find out.

;) - **** off/accidental
;);) - acquaintance/friend zone
;););) - friend
;);););) - fancy riding my office chair?
;););););) - wedding bells

Worked every time for me, no crossed wires.
I'm not for banning women and men socialising in work. But this situation highlights one of the pitfalls.
This has got be OP or it's just a massive coincidence :p

Is all this stuff because people are piling back into work places and just don't know how to control their urges and/or how to behave?
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