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Is now the best time to sell your GPU?

25 Sep 2012
One thing on my mind is with Nvidia changing the silicon in newer cards to stop mining we could see the current 3080s that are good for mining spike to 2-2.5k?!

I doubt it as you would never earn it all back mining before Etherium is no longer able to be mined. Could be wrong if something else pops up though.
1 Aug 2012
I doubt it as you would never earn it all back mining before Etherium is no longer able to be mined. Could be wrong if something else pops up though.
I think more likely it will just keep hold of its current value (which is already crazy high) where as there is a chance the new cards might reduce in value once the initial demands dies down, assuming miners do not find a way round the nerf.
19 Dec 2017
Etherium will probably not be mineable come December so there will be a glut of cards being dumped on the market then. I managed to get a Series X so will have that to game on. I am not even gaming on the 6800 as it is constantly mining and would need to continue to do so if I wanted to make that money. If I sell now the RX 6800 will pay for itself and also pay for the Series X. I will wait for sanity to return to the GPU market then jump back in.

I'm not so sure about December but even when Ethereum is no longer minable, people will just mine something else. There's plenty out there that is profitable.
22 Nov 2018
Is it a silicon change?
I read it was just a device ID thing

It may or may not be just a device ID thing. Either way, the part number of the actual silicon die is being incremented. The 3060 for instance is having its GPU die part number change from GA106-300-A1 to GA106-302-A1, the 3070 is changing from GA104-300-A1 to GA104-302-A etc.
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20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
I wonder if it's worth it for miners to use whatever methods they have to buy gimped 3080Ti's and offer 1:1 trades with non-gimped 3080 owners. -Probably too much hassle.
24 Feb 2003
I'm really tempted to sell my 3080 Fe, cex buying for almost £1500.
I paid £650 in December and must have already mined £1000+ in eth.. might mine until the end of the month and then sell it!! I have an old 980 and ps5 I can use for now.

One thing on my mind is with Nvidia changing the silicon in newer cards to stop mining we could see the current 3080s that are good for mining spike to 2-2.5k?!

But why do that ...don't you want a 3080 for gaming ? ...it's such a nice card, why waste it like this?

This may sound controversial to some people (I know it's not the same for everyone but I am assuming it mostly will be for those in this discussion), but mining aside, money is much easier to get than good GPU's right now and you already have one, why sell it? ...you just said you already made a lot more than you paid for using the card anyway ...do you really need more money rather than just having a nice GPU that effectively cost you nothing but actually made you money ? Do you not care about PC gaming? ...if not why are you even here?

Far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak but there is a point I feel where I have to say, unless you really need the money for something, just take a breath and be glad you have a nice GPU and stop contributing to the problem please. Everyone who does get involved with this is making it worse, you may think you joining in doesn't make much difference in the grand scheme, which is true, but an awful lot of people are thinking that way and it's driving this whole thing along even more.

The whole idea of being able to monetise a GPU like this really needs to end it's ruining the hobby for many of us. it is my hobby and I won't give up (I wouldn't know what else to do with myself tbh) I've been a PC enthusiast and a gamer since my Dad bought me my first one when I was 12, the release of the 3DFX Voodoo graphics cards are where I started opening them up and doing upgrades and the rest is history, I am 37 now and I work in IT, a big part of my life has revolved around this world for 25 years and I hate what seems to be happening to it, I feel like I need to fight for it a bit like a physical place (kind of like your country is being invaded) ...but I don't know what I can do tbh, other than not make it worse myself. I am trying to be patient and pragmatic but I am worried that hordes of nasty money grabbing scalpers are going to burn it to the ground and ruin the world of PC gaming which really, really matters to me.
4 Dec 2020
I'd guess most people on here are gamers and/or PC ethusiasts, so it's a bit strange to see all the comments about flogging your main GPU for a quick buck. :confused:

After all, when you drop £££ on individual components, it's mostly accepted it's a sunk cost and you use the part until it's no longer useful (CPUs, PSUs, RAM, mobos, etc). I certainly wouldn't downgrade a component just because I'd get some cash back.

Just because there's a sudden demand pushing used prices above new, seems some are willing to remove a core component from a system and either stop using the PC or use a less powerful part? Or have you all easily been able to get FEs at MSRP?

Had a day 1 order in for a 3080 TUF non-OC which is still months away from being fulfilled, if ever, so now reluctantly looking at the FE drops as the only sensible option - but how much is your time worth if you have to be watching for a drop alert? For me, time is worth more than the actual price, within reason, but my brain doesn't like paying over the odds on anything anyway, even if the hear desires it. :rolleyes::D
9 Oct 2014
South Tyneside
Dont know why folk are so surprised at people cashing in.

Its not like they're flogging them off for a quick 50 quid profit or something - CEX pay almost £800 over the RRP of a 3080 FE. Thats understandably gonna be very tempting for most
12 Jan 2021
I'd guess most people on here are gamers and/or PC ethusiasts, so it's a bit strange to see all the comments about flogging your main GPU for a quick buck. :confused:


In normal times you wouldn't see this but even if you are a serious gamer why not sell on your new 3000 or 6000 series at todays prices and then use the profit made to buy a better card when prices return to normal levels like AMD say they want them to (as long as you got them near MRSP eg FE or MBA). So if you bought say a 6800 as above, sold for 920, then when prices are back to normal you buy a 6800xt, with money left over. Take the last mining craze Vega 56, was about £350 at launch price, went up with mining, was discounted to £235 at end of life
17 Mar 2009
Took my spare GTX1080 down CEX this morning. Hope they pay out, All I got back was a graphics card testing receipt, they say thats all they give. £292 though can't complain getting that back for a card I bought in 2016, will help fund my new sofa :). TBH I'd say go for it, I still have a 5700XT for VR but I honestly think people overestimate what they NEED to play games. If I was gaming at 1080p on the games I play I could probably get by with the AMD RX380 I also have spare.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I'd guess most people on here are gamers and/or PC ethusiasts, so it's a bit strange to see all the comments about flogging your main GPU for a quick buck. :confused:
Most people here also don't have huge amounts of cash to splash around, and those flogging GPUs are playing the long game - sell high and then buy 'low' in future to get a better card.
After all, when you drop £££ on individual components, it's mostly accepted it's a sunk cost and you use the part until it's no longer useful (CPUs, PSUs, RAM, mobos, etc). I certainly wouldn't downgrade a component just because I'd get some cash back.
That's not how it works for a fair chunk of enthusiasts though - they don't treat their components as a sunk cost, they look to run a conveyor belt of hardware, selling off kit whilst it still has value to part fund upgrades. "easyrider shuffle" and all that, just check all the people who were flogging off Turing/Pascal cards following the RTX 3080 announcements. They downgraded with the intention of upgrading to the latest kit, but they were timing it to reduce the cost of changing, if you wait for the new cards to launch the resale value of the older cards typically plummets. This situation is analogous with people selling their current card for big numbers, wait a bit and then buy new high end card.

Just because there's a sudden demand pushing used prices above new, seems some are willing to remove a core component from a system and either stop using the PC or use a less powerful part? Or have you all easily been able to get FEs at MSRP?
This is the long game at work again, removing a core component may make sense if they have another card to tide them by and it means they can get something better for less money once prices subside.

Personally I'm not looking to offload my primary card but I'm tempted to sell my second best card (RX480 8GB) that's currently in my son's PC, and then at some point in future when I upgrade hand down the current primary card, the problem is it's only really ebay that seems to be offering the big bucks and I'm way of all the horror stories about chargeback scams.
25 Aug 2005
Personally I'm not looking to offload my primary card but I'm tempted to sell my second best card.

That's where I am at the minute. My primary card is used everyday but I have another decent card that I bought when people were selling after the 30 series announcement. I'm not using it much so I could sell it for at least as much as I paid for it and I have a 970 that I could stick in the second PC for now. I might yet sell it then sell the second PC with the 970 in.
20 Jan 2021
That's where I am at the minute. My primary card is used everyday but I have another decent card that I bought when people were selling after the 30 series announcement. I'm not using it much so I could sell it for at least as much as I paid for it and I have a 970 that I could stick in the second PC for now. I might yet sell it then sell the second PC with the 970 in.

Put every single bit of detail in your advert, many pictures of the item. So they know exactly what they are getting. The condition of the item. Only sell to someone with great feedback.

Take photos of serials and the card working. Get them to pay the postage and post with Proof of delivery.
25 Aug 2005
Put every single bit of detail in your advert, many pictures of the item. So they know exactly what they are getting. The condition of the item. Only sell to someone with great feedback.

Take photos of serials and the card working. Get them to pay the postage and post with Proof of delivery.

Thanks for that but if I sell them it'll be face to face, probably through facebook marketplace.
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