is OS 3.0 Out Midnight?

Ive downloaded it and installed, but get an error message saying cant connect to itunes store. Phone showing itunes symbol and cable telling me to connect?

anyone else got this prob?

Yep got this to.

iTunes also says "We could not complete your iTunes store request. The network connection timed out"

Damn i have no phone now :(
Same here chaps.. I guess everyone in the UK is trying to update. Lets hope none of our friends are getting stabbed in the face or murdered while apple authentication servers decide when to come on.
At last.. Just keep trying.. It'll work eventually..

The only new thing u'll notice is the voice memo app... Hmm, bit unimpressed actually lol..Now to send a MMS I guess..
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You'll get a text from o2 basically saying "Your MMS doesn't work, here, let me get that for you" and it'l send you a little picture message going "BOOSH!"
Mine activated after 4th attempt. Only thing i have found is that i have lost my "never" option for auto-lock. I have read elsewhere that some people have lost this others haven't. Don't know how to get it back but would like to.

Any body else have this issue?


Now this reminds me of the time i got a BETA key for little big planet on the ps3 off some website, they had like 5000 and it was first come first serve starting at 5.00, i had to like reload the page 1000 times, to try and get the page to load up kept saying error through the traffic they got
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