Is Rentaghost the best TV theme ever?

Star fleet is a great theme song.. that takes me back.

regarding good theme songs.. here are some samples:

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Unpopular opinion maybe but I couldn't get into Cowboy Bebop myself, I may try again some day but I think I need to be in the right frame of mind for it, or maybe it's just not for me.

Baccano is the same, I'm told it's good if I stick with it, but I was 6 episodes in and it was just confusing! :D

I can still remember the latent TV feeling of excruciating pain Kevin Keegan must have felt when he came off his bike on that cinder track and slid 10 yards on his raw shoulder.

Just look at dem graphics though.
I don't know if they've been mentioned but these are a few of my favourites

I'm not sure if this counts but if it does then nothing else really can come close....

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