Is Rentaghost the best TV theme ever?

It's interesting that the current fashion is moody strings for TV intros. You hear it everywhere, ST Discovery is a good example, but it's all over the place.

In the 90's it was all about the sax. More often than not, it was an integral part of the theme tune.

Lets just scoot around the obvious presenter issues, the energy of the theme tune is certainly notable.

Even the 80's was sax and the brass sections.

Yes seems we are back in the fashion for orchestral sections again. It's been a long time since I liked a theme song in a TV series or movie. They use to be so much better and the odd one now like Westworld,
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Airwolf and Knight Rider got posted, so I'll add The Saint (Return of the Saint). Intro with the Jaguar XJS (I had the Corgi one) :cool:

I was a too young to remember the actual series, same with Buck Rogers (both 1978-80), but I do remember the opening music/sequences.

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