Is the EU migrant quota system about to fall apart?

sounds like its hugarian law but hes going to fudge it.

surprised the turn out was so low tbh

I guess it probably says something about the other half of the Hungarian population.

Not bothered enough either way to actually bother going out and voting.
I guess it probably says something about the other half of the Hungarian population.

Not bothered enough either way to actually bother going out and voting.

a little part of me thinks that maybe its an issue of travel/hunagrian voting on the whole.

i wodner what thier turn out for government elections are.
Well, looks like the Hungarians are a bit undecided as to whether they fancy this quota lark thrust upon them <LOL>

With a 43% turnout, yep you're right, it seems the majority of Hungarians are undecided or just don't care.....<LOL>

That's what the minority Hungarians think of the quota then :)


It does help to read and understand your sources before holding them up as a supposed support for your own agenda
For example to get PR for Australia or Canada you could be a geoscientist with the requisite number of points from the other categories and get PR. You can then travel over and start looking for a job (doesn't have to be in the in demand job you applied under).

In Australia you also need to be under 50 years of age. This applies to skilled nominated visas and skilled independent visas alike.

Obtaining an Australian PR visa when you're over the age of 50 is extremely difficult, even if you're applying for a fully sponsored Aged Parent visa.
Again, that doesn't contradict anything I've said. That's all part of the points system used, and doesn't contradict the main point of the entire argument - the requirement (or not) of a job before being granted a visa/residence.
Got any data on that? I don't remember much of that tbh.

What is well documented (looking at it in the Trump thread), is that in the US the opposite is true. Immigrants are less likely to commit crime and/or be imprisoned.

EDIT: Oh, actually you're (mostly) incorrect in your unsubstantiated statement.

So yes, you can quite rightly deny that immigration is causing crime (except in a few specific circumstances).

EDIT 2: And another one, from a different author and university (this one looks at reporting of crime as well)

And another one (A different paper but one of the same authors at the first)

If my town is anything to go by the reporting of foreign national crime is actively suppressed. Until you've witnessed streets literally full of chewed up sunflower seeds and fly tipped rubbish by dirty scrotes who knows some council mug will eventually get round to shifting it once the rats cause a problem that isn't reported
If my town is anything to go by the reporting of foreign national crime is actively suppressed. Until you've witnessed streets literally full of chewed up sunflower seeds and fly tipped rubbish by dirty scrotes who knows some council mug will eventually get round to shifting it once the rats cause a problem that isn't reported

Who is suppressing all these crime reports then? The illuminati?
Seems like Orban's failed to get the required 50% of the voting population to the polls. Early results indicated that he'd just about managed to get over 43%, of which he claimed between 95% and 98%; with over 80% of the media towing the government's line. Frankly, Merkel will laugh at this chicken-hawk farce.

As for Viktor, I think he'll do his tub-thumping round in Europe, attack the constitution and try again after some tactical legislation is passed to validate lower or no plebiscite thresholds on turnout. And unlike the refugee quota binary, expect something like this to be a much more contested intervention in a country with a history of totalitarian encroachment. Having said that, he has done enough to see off Jobbik going into future polls, which I suspect was half the point at least.

The Financial Times is running the story now.

A teenage Albanian migrant who was granted asylum in Britain despite being wanted by Interpol has been jailed for the 'violent and vicious' murder of a young father.

Agustin Sula, 18, stabbed 21-year-old Polish national Mateusz Szleper seven times, piercing his heart and lungs, in a street attack in Hull, East Yorkshire, in revenge for a 'perceived slight' by one of the victim's friends.

Stories like this make my blood boil. Why the hell is anyone from Albania being given refugee status in this country? Is there a war there that the media aren't reporting, a famine, what? Albania is a candidate nation for joining the EU for crying out loud - it can't be that bad. We are so, so dumb and now some poor man is dead because of our stupidity. I note the deceased is a Polish national yet the silence from Mr Juncker of the EU is deafening - is this a murder you will tolerate Jean-Claude?
If my town is anything to go by the reporting of foreign national crime is actively suppressed. Until you've witnessed streets literally full of chewed up sunflower seeds and fly tipped rubbish by dirty scrotes who knows some council mug will eventually get round to shifting it once the rats cause a problem that isn't reported

Fly tipping is starting to become a problem in my area after a recent influx. It's bloody annoying. Oh, the people responsible aren't from the EU.
Your data is from 2010-2014, so utterly irrelevant to this discussion.

It's some of the most recent study and data. As I said, find some more relevant data and I'll be happy to discuss it.

I'd be very surprised if somehow this "wave" of immigration was any different to all those before it, in multiple countries however.

Yes, there is the occasioal bit of "immigrant" news publicized when a migrant does something we, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Actual crime statistics do that. So Scorza can keep posting his links if he wants, but it's not going to change the outcome of the actual data.

Edit: that said I agree with Scorza on the asylum question. Rather odd to say the least... Perhaps we aren't getting the whole story somewhere along the lines?
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