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Is the NVidia RTX performance even worse than previously reported?

27 Jul 2015

Now this is intersting, because if NVidia won't listen to customers, it better listen to shareholders:

"investors shouldn't expect "much upside" from Nvidia's all-important gaming business for the next two quarters. We would add that the surplus of older GTX 10 series GPUs won't help Nvidia's prospects either, especially if it won't implement meaningful price cuts"

If investors are pushing NVidia for price cuts on the 10 series, there's a pretty good chance they will listen and reducce those prices.
22 Jun 2018
Doon the watah ... Scotland
I have my doubts as to whether nvidia will do so though. I think they would just weather the storm for a while, and ride out the 20XX series run and see where it ends up. There is no competition in the market.

Unless AMD come out with something ... a real possibility if AMD can turn their compute ability performance into a realistic raytracing alternative to RTX.
12 Feb 2009
And If I were AMD, I'd ignore the Ray Tracing path and bring out 7nm cards that trounce the 2070 & 2080 in traditional raster graphics for $100 less, that will get them back in the game, and then the 800lb gorilla of Intel enters the market in 2020.

The problem with thinking Intel is going to be the great saviour is a bit optimistic. They are more likely to kill off AND than overtake Nvidia.
19 May 2012
2080s gunna drop hard. 1080ti beat them in literally most games. 850 quid for a decent one vs a 600 1080ti. i know what id have. big drops incoming.

Where are these new £600 1080tis?

People talk as if this is easily accessible.

I only see 2 models of 1080ti at the £620 mark.
18 Oct 2002
Intel doesn't have the patents to be able to compete with either AMD or Nvidia on consumer graphics.
Their GPUs are going for the server market.

Larrabee was a gaming oriented gpu that intel were creating which they ended up being cancelled. It's pretty obvious intel can make gpu's that do gaming and if they put enough resources into them they could easily be another player. They didn't get Raja just to create server market gpu's, the word is they are doing something gaming oriented as well.
12 Feb 2009
Unless AMD come out with something ... a real possibility if AMD can turn their compute ability performance into a realistic raytracing alternative to RTX.

On paper they maybe, but their current best chip is 486mm, bigger than the 1080ti and uses/outputs similar amount of power/heat, but only competes against the GTX 1080 a chip that is 314mm.
So to match the 2080ti performance using their current chip design the chip would be huge.

If we assume 25% of the 2080ti chip is used for ray tracing (it may be more) and AMD could match the performance using the same % of chip.

Core size to match a GTX1080ti 632nm, power usage 325 W (using optimised settings) 385W going by the official 295 W of the Vega 64. (Assuming a 30% die size increase)
Core size to match a GTX2080 869nm, power usage 446 W (using optimised settings) 529W going by the official 295 W of the Vega 64. (Assuming a 43% die size increase + 25% on top of that for Ray Tracing)
Core size to match a GTX2080ti 1063nm, power usage 546 W (using optimised settings) 647W going by the official 295 W of the Vega 64. (Assuming a 75% die size increase + 25% on top of that for Ray Tracing)

Now this an really basic example as performance and power usage may not increase lineally like I have show, but this gives a very rough idea.
It shows you AMD were already hitting power and heat limits and that's probably the biggest reason why there isn't a faster Vega.

Die shrink to 12nm would make a small difference, but not enough.
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