Is this a good pc build on a budget, any bottlenecking on Fortnite 1080p ultra low settings?

Can’t find the cooler on pc part picker. apparently 32 gb doesn’t make that much of a difference. I will buy the parts in a while so not sure about the cases as I believe they are on sale for limited time.
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Just to clear up, the term competitive settings is used in term for performance mode, which turns off all of the eye candy, removal of long grass etc to allow you to have better visual distances etc. And to pwn noobs ofc. And greater FPS.

Epic upgraded to UE5 about a year ago which is neither CPU or GPU heavy, it's rather a mixed bag. My example of a 5600x and a 3050 is meh at best because let's be honest, who uses a 3050? :cry:

As I said before, I play at 2560x1440 and average 200fps, highs of 250ish and lows of 175ish. I get it, it's not an accurate benchmark but it's something. My friend uses an i9 with a 3060ti (why?!) on an ultra wide, 3840x1600 and gets an average of 15% more FPS than I do.
Do you think I should go with 7700x and 3060?
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