Is this a real girl, or a lie?

In for some one messaging Sarah Kathryn Cagle that some middle aged weirdo is trying to hit on her friend! Cue the FBI being notified and Britboy's house getting raided in about 17 minutes time!

:D :D
It doesn't necessarily mean the OP is lying, if that's what you're thinking.

But he's definitely a potential sex offender.

I never said OP is lying, but i am thinking that the guy/gal OP is talking to is.

It could simply be someone who has access to the blonde's Facebook profile, thus access to all the photos and link OP to them when he asks for some evidence.
]on chat page. Girl flirting around. She says 'You sound amazing .. I'll send some piccys lets meet again' etc etc. She send through this:

OP don’t make sense? meet again wut??

So .. now I'm a'wonderin. whats your guess? A lie? A bloke who right now is p***ing himself? Is there any software that can find any other info on this person from the image? My guess is I'm being played here ... can some computer cleverness find out if this image is from .. er .. somewhere else?

Why bother? You’re married but you want more pics and carry on chatting with her/him/both, just forget it move on? Don’t see why you taking so much time to find out if chick is real or not

what chat page are we talking about? Kinda reminds me of the other dude who chatted to that chick on the web cam chats lol
She looks really similar to an ex of mine...

Icelandic by any chance?

Well done by the way bro, even if she's a foreigner I'd definitely fly her over here.
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