Is this corner parking illegal?

31 Jul 2004
Quick question for those in the know..

Is the parking in this picture legal? Its certainly inconsiderate but is there anything I could do to encourage him to stop it?


I had it in my head that parking on a corner was iffy.. it certainly makes navigating the road very tricky.. you can see to the left of the white merc there is a road into another cul de sac so when this guy parks right on the corner (and I mean right on it with pavement underneath his car but both wheels on the road sometimes he's on the apex so much) it makes getting in and out of our road very difficult.

Which I guess isn't much of an issue for this guy because his permit shows he lives over the road and down another street which I would be a massive hypocrite for complaining about as I've had flats etc in the past where I've had to park miles away BUT this acts effectively as a road block creating a blind corner when leaving and making getting into the estate very tricky.

It looks like the rear passenger side has already been whacked by something passing him there (nice big dent and scratch) although it could have happened elsewhere.. that said anything like a bin lorry or decent sized delivery van would struggle to get round without either mounting the pavement or driving into him.

So.. other than being a PITA and very inconsiderate, is there anything legally wrong with this?
Dunno about legality, but occasionally end up with people parking on the inside of some bends on the roads near me - Definitely a pain in the rear. Much more considerate parking on the outside, more effective space for parking and doesn't block the view around the corner!
The Highway Code says don't park on a bend. That itself isn't a crime, but if there was an incident the owner could be found responsible.

The Highway Code also says this, which does refer to a law, but sounds like lawyers would have to nit-pick over terminology to make anything stick.

You MUST NOT leave your vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road.
Laws RTA 1988, sect 22 & CUR reg 103
It's not illegal, we get idiots like this parked round my way all the time, its a busy area, and on quite a few occasion I have seen cars that have been damaged as a result, one had a wing mirror that was taken out clean and lying in the middle of the street and once another one that parked round exactly like in the kerb had the bumper damaged. It's a small road and you get big vans and trucks turning so one of them must have clipped them, no sympathies from me...
Note on the windscreen asking politely wouldn't hurt if it's genuinely being a nuisance.

Yeah I guess.. that was my next step although like I say its irritating mostly.

Does he park there out of choice or is it simply the case that when he gets home this is the only space left to park in?

A bit of both, always parks on that little bit of road (it's a main road about 20m from the front of his car) but considering he's already not parking on the road he has a permit for there are plenty of other spots he could go to.. I suspect ours is the quietest cul de sac near him.
I live on a corner and the same car parks in front of my house all the time. It's not illegal but it is inconsiderate. Doesn't really impact me as I have plenty of parking on my drive and as the road is a cul-de-sac I never need to drive past my house, but it is very annoying for people who live past me.
According to's copy of The Highway Code


DO NOT stop or park:

  • near a school entrance
  • anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
  • at or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank
  • on the approach to a level crossing/tramway crossing
  • opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
  • opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle
  • where you would force other traffic to enter a tram lane
  • where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
  • in front of an entrance to a property
  • on a bend
  • where you would obstruct cyclists’ use of cycle facilities
except when forced to do so by stationary traffic.

it is a no-no, but not a law
Typical selfish ignorant individual we appear to be nurturing in ever increasing numbers. He's also blocking a dropped curb that's been put there to help out anyone who's wheelchair bound.

Disappointed that no-one has spotted the cat yet...;):)
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I didn't notice that cat, but that isn't a normal cat, thats a ghost, someones dead cat has come to haunt the street! looks freaky :eek:
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