Is this corner parking illegal?

More frowned upon then illegal. Some people are just inconsiderate. I bet it you knocked his/her left wind mirror off they wouldn't park there anymore
Pop a polite note under his windscreen mentioning the dropped kerb and invonvenience.

If he persists to be a nuisance, pop another note on his windscreen although don't be so gentle with his wipers this time. :p
It depends whether the area is controlled by Local Authority Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (most urban places are) in which case, the rules such as parking in front of a dropped kerb are set by the Authority. You need to query google with Decriminalised Parking Enforcement and the name of the local Council.
If there is no other space free then why not. If there are loads of drives, then you don't really want to park opposite a drive on such a narrow road. That corner has lots of space.

If you live in an urban area, then bends on a residential road is fair game. No one has an issue, although people do avoid parking on the outside of a corner where they can because of obvious reasons.
Like I said there's a big dent in that exposed corner already which is new, he's also missing the merc badge off the front and it's parked under an apple tree so he clearly doesn't give a stuff about something that I think is a decent car which makes it even worse.

Not going to get into stroppy notes.. if he's been hit once already I doubt it'll make any difference I just sort of hoped it may be illegal so there was no discussion :)
Doesn't have to be a stroppy note. Just a polite one asking him if he wouldn't mind not parking on the corner because of the reasons cited (poor visibility, manoeuvrability for large vehicles).

I'd bet it would get a better reaction than being deliberately antagonistic.
Maybe... I could be assuming too much here but like I said.. its almost new and its already parked miles from the house and half smashed up.

Its like a weird game of cat and mouse.. just as I get to the point where I think **** it I'm going to say something.. he parks further down the road in an entirely sensible fashion.

Then I calm down and the next day someone else has parked on that bit of street and there he is again making a space out of thin air.
It annoys me when people do this. Near me there was a woman that kept parking on a tight, blind bend in a village. Eventually the council went and painted double yellows on it (after it caused an accident I assume).

I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to park on a corner, even if it's not marked :/
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Do nothing and stew on it until the day when the car is hit. The rush of orgasmic satisfaction will cause you to pass out. Then walk out into the garden and bellow down the street "parking on a bend ******!".
Moan to the council about it. There used to be people that parked at the end of my street on the corners of the T junction for quite some time, rail commuters using the station there. It was a real pain in the ass to pull out of the junction, quite a few complaints from residents later and they double yellowed the whole lot.
I wonder what Theresa May would think of this! (my MP!)

Actually I never understand why the guy doesn't park right up behind the other car? Weirdo.
I wonder what Theresa May would think of this! (my MP!)

Actually I never understand why the guy doesn't park right up behind the other car? Weirdo.

She wouldn't give a **** as she will assume the dropped kerb being blocked is only a nuisance to disabled people. ;)
So.. other than being a PITA and very inconsiderate, is there anything legally wrong with this?


PCSOs can easily ticket him for causing an obstruction for parking on a bend.

Our local primary school suffers heavily from congestion due to its location and no suitable car parking.

The above is what they charge everybody with when they go round issuing tickets to discourage the congestion. So they can easily apply that logic here.
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