no, just an equally ridiculous statement about FOV
sigh, ok dude. if you say so.OK, google human vision aspect ratio and get back to me
This is why I'm going for the Alienware AW3418HW. 34" @ 1080p isn't great, but its fine for my view distance, and it's 166hz.It is very nice but for me personally I still prefer high fps to near enough anything with M+K. Still love my 165hz 1440p even after a year with 21:9 100hz. Struggled to get used to 80-100hz.
Why im now waiting for the 200hz 3440x1440 and a suitable card to run it.
I've had the Alienware for a few days now.
For competitive FPS, I agree the added FoV is a distraction. There's just too much eye scanning happening. However, you can run your games in 2560x1440 and your ultrawide becomes a 27" 1440p display (or 28" on 35" ultrawide). That's how I've been playing Fortnite. The downside is you're limited to 100-120Hz vs 144-165Hz on a 16:9 display.
For non-compatible games, again you can run 16:9 2560x1440 with black bars. I've also been playing Dead by Daylight, and while ultrawide is "supported", the game zooms in the image to fill the horizontal, rather than the horizontal FoV being expanded. Consequently, I also run this game at 2560x1440.
For the type of games you listed, though, and most singleplayer games, ultrawide is awesome.
Point being, it's possible to have the best of both worlds. However, I think I'll be returning the Alienware and waiting for one of the native 144Hz ultrawides. I'm primarily a FPS player and the slower 120Hz refresh is noticeable to me.
I currently have a 1440P 27 16:9 Freesync monitor with an AMD Fury Nitro
I want higher FPS and eventually will lose my desk so will need to use the PC with a TV anyway so thinking of downgrading to 1080P now and selling my 1440p monitor.
My question is, If I bought a 1080P widescreen will I get better FPS from my GPU than on a standard 1440p screen? If so what sizes do they go up in 1080p with Freesync can anyone recommend a good model?
OK, google human vision aspect ratio and get back to me
I think we all need circular monitors to better replicate human FOV!
I do not understand the hype for ultrawides. Do they impress people that were stuck with tiny monitors for a long time? Why not get a 40" 4k monitor that will give you the same immersive width but also tons more vertical space?
Considering human FOV and typical games, and also considering a desktop setup (i.e. 2 foot viewing distance), I think a 40" TV is too big. A 40" TV is nearly 20 inches in height, compared to 13.4 inches high for a 34" UW monitor, which I think is probably outside your natural FOV and the central elements of game play will overly dominate your area of focus. Personally I think a 27 or 32 inch monitor is more appropriate for a desk setup, with a 34" UW being the same screen height as a 27" 16:9.
The counter argument will be that an UW is too wide and outside the area of focus... this is true, but this extra screen area at the sides provides the "immersive width" mentioned above. Following this logic, why not also have "immersive height" - in my experience, this has limited value in games because you will just see more sky and floor, whereas width provides more useful aspects of the game.
Just my opinion here, and not eloquently described, but you should get what I'm saying.
this has limited value in games because you will just see more sky and floor, whereas width provides more useful aspects of the game.