Is WoW worth it?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
So, I've been bored recently, with a load of games. Just another patch of nothingness.

Playing through older games, recently tried FF online, but it just lost charm after a few weeks of play as it didn't seem that great end game.

I installed WoW again and just played a character, up to level 15 at the moment and loving it. The game feels entirely different. I want to resub and get Legion, but combined it's £40+!

Is it worth it? I'm on Defius Brotherhood and don't know anyone that plays anymore.
Yes. If you consider most new games are 40 quid and are 3 to 10 hours long, it's easy to justify.

Will a person who despised WoW after they made it too easy dislike it? I hated the whole honour system remodel, the fact my rogue (I main as rogue) was mostly made inept due to resistance stat. The Talent system being scrapped for a few choices...

I just want to know if I'll be bored after a few hours. Do you still sit in a city LFG'ing 99% of the time? Or is there a reason to explore now? They totally made their own world pointless.
I think it's still much the same on that score Agnes. There's reasons to be out and about (I think) but not as much as before.

It *does* sound rather like you used to enjoy jumping random people as your rogue and making the fight a bit less one sided ruined your fun? :p
I think it's still much the same on that score Agnes. There's reasons to be out and about (I think) but not as much as before.

It *does* sound rather like you used to enjoy jumping random people as your rogue and making the fight a bit less one sided ruined your fun? :p

That was one thing I enjoyed yes lol, PVP was a big thing for me back in the day, but it was made mostly pointless after I spent weeks grinding honour only to have it thrown in my face.

I just feel like the end game is spent sitting around doing nothing once you reach Lv110, but I'd love to be corrected as I want to try get back into it. I'd start on a totally new character that will get boosted with the expansion. So things like professions and what have you won't be there, is there any point farming them? Or can I pick up on them simply? Will I be missing out on much by boosting this new character to 110?
For me, the question of whether WoW is worth it , is a question of which iteration of WoW.

Retail WoW, in its current state simply isnt worth it to me. I adore world PvP and the last time I played retail WoW it was virtually non-existent as so few people actually travelled the world, most simply seemed to sit in a capital city waiting to be teleported to wherever it was they were going to do something.

Vanilla WoW, in its current state, is very much worth it to me. Yes it has less content, yes its slower to level, yes its more difficult (subjectively) BUT with no cross realming and with the enforced need to group regularly, the community and social side of things is stronger and with everyone needing to travel through the zones I get my fill of world PvP.

Some of the best times I had in early WoW were the pitched battles in Stranglethorn Vale at Nessingwarys Camp, or the back and forth battles between Tarren Mill and Southshore. In time, with the changes Blizzard introduced, those great moments all but faded away from the game. In vanilla WoW , they are back and just as fun as I remember them :)
not worth it as it will suck your life away.
I was addicted to it bad style played through vanilla tbc and ice crown dripping in epics with no real life lol
Ended up being able to quit by changing email and password with eyes closed so I would not see what I changed it to :)
Best thing to enjoy gaming is to take a break and find something else to do.

Then you'll start looking for more quality games to play. My play time is maybe 1-2 hours a week on average and it's much more fun now than when I was wasting whole days in front of a screen.
I've been out since.... lvl90 (quit about half way through MoP so can't really comment). I know a good few ex-players who found it quite nice again (brother-in-law, couple of friends in Sweden).

World PVP I think you'll find as lacking as you left it. The honour change was there to make it all a bit more fair/competitive, while it messed with your fun it was a step forward in most folks eyes (did get a bit tiresome trying to farm with the rogue that would ALWAYS turn up when you were already having a hard time - resistance specifically countered that and made fights a bit more tactical rather than a victim/perpetrator setup).

The boosts/etc - well, if we you left that early, there'll be a LOT of game systems you'll have no idea on/may find a bit overwhelming+LOTS of character changes. Have a definite personal assessment on what you found fun in PVP. If it _was _ (honestly now :p ) generally having the drop on someone and "winning" it's not likely you'll be in anything like the same position again.

If controlled PVP and raiding/"good" 5 man stuff sounds appealing it'll likely do you. There is a lot of fluff kinda stuff (collecting skins etc) to be on with.
Its worth it if you have a few friends to PVP with and a guild to raid with, playing in random groups/raids was very frustrating but once you get back to playing with people who put a bit of time into learning bossfights or PVP strategies then its fun as you see steady progress all the time and not just random fails like ya do playing in pugs.

I haven't played since panda but thats how i felt back then.
To answer the question, Is World of Warcraft worth it?

Yes. Absolutely.

That is not to say it is without fault, but it is still a great experience, and better with friends.
Kazzak Horde here! Just cleared Mythic Emerald Nightmare and 3/3 HC Trial of Valor. Looking forward to The Nighthold tomorrow.
I would honestly say play on a Vanilla private server. I'm not being edgy as to jump on the whole retail hate train there seems to be. However, retail and the state of the game from Catclysm onwards has left the game (in my opinion) more like a virutual lobby with a few multiplayer side quests. The MMORPG WoW was left to decay some time ago.
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