I've seen the first one you mentioned. Guy has a big grin on his face as the camera pans across and then realises he's in shot and starts acting like he's hurt.
OK, the video is here.
There's a few reasons why I have trouble believing it's fake.
Firstly: if the video is fake,
who exactly is it supposed to be helping? It was released by Al Jazeera, an anti-American, pro-Palestinian media corporation owned by the Qatari government, which was kicked out of Egypt for claiming that the Egyptian President (Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi) is a secret Zionist with Jewish roots. So if the video is fake,
what is its purpose and which side of the conflict is it allegedly assisting? It doesn't help the West. It doesn't help Syria. It doesn't help Russia.
Secondly: the guy on the right has his hand on his head, but there's no evidence that he's (a) genuinely injured, or (b) even pretending to be injured. If he wants people to think he's injured, why isn't he sitting with the injured people receiving treatment? As far as I can see he's just leaning against the wall with his hand on his head in a resting position, as people do often do. If anything, he looks bored.
Thirdly: his hand was on his head before the camera panned across. If this is supposed to be part of an injury act, why is he still smiling? Surely if he's just prepared his pose for the camera his face should be ready too. But it's not. He's not even looking at the camera; he genuinely doesn't expect it to be on him. This militates against any suggestion that he was posing in a way that's supposed to simulate injury.
Fourthly: he quickly wipes the smile off his face as the camera pans across, but there's nothing in the video that explains why he was smiling in the first place. Could it be fatigue? Black humour? Nerves? Good old fashioned insensitivity? Whatever the case, he knows it's inappropriate and hastily changes his expression. This is not evidence of a fake injury, as even some Redditors have pointed out.
Fifthly: with all the genuine carnage and grief sloshing around Syria right now,
why would anyone waste time and energy faking footage of injuries when you can find real ones on any street corner? It doesn't make any sense.