You may want to mention this to the independant observers then as they will probably be shocked to find out that what they saw was some kind of illusion/mirage XD
That hasn't been shown, it was claimed by you then refuted. Brazil, Canada, USA, etc are not Syrian allies, of the 32 countries that the observers came from only a few were from countries allied with Syria.
If you would like I can link a video of five of the US observers reporting to the UN?
Well thankfully we already know that's twaddle as not only was the voting nationwide but it was also conducted abroad so that those displaced by the rebels/ISIS could vote via the local embassy (unless blocked from doing so like in the USA).
So the guy who ran against Assad in the presidential election, who was from another party opposed to Assad's was not a regime opponent? The 83/250 parliamentary seats that went to nominees who weren't allied with the Baath party coalition (the reigning government) AKA "the opposition" did not go to opponents of the regime?
Next you will be saying that Jeremy Corbyn works for the Tories XD