Got bored headbutting a brick wall of wilful ignorance, western exceptionalism and justification of war crimes so gave up on this thread for a bit
But some interesting news about the alleged Douma attack last April which featured the White Helmet propaganda outfit.
An engineering report has been leaked from the OPCW which confirms it was all staged. The argument from the White Helmets and in the main OPCW report released to the public was that two yellow cylinders full of chlorine crashed through one concrete ceiling and made a hole in another after being dropped by the evil Assad's airforce and the release of the gas caused the deaths.
But in the suppressed report not released to the public, the OPCW engineers ran all kinds of tests and couldn't reproduce that theory and concluded that the cylinders were likely placed manually.
So there you have the lovely White Helmets we fund implicated in a staged CW attack to drag us into war. If staged it implies the victims were killed for the purposes of the video and pictures.
It's also worrying that organisations like the OPCW which are supposed to be impartial appear to be twisting their reports to suit the propaganda coming out from the US etc.
This makes everything they have reported on recently questionable. They backed our gov's claims over the Skripals for example.
I doubt this evidence will make a bit of difference to those so invested in their black/white view of the world that we are 'good' and anyone our gov targets conveniently is evil incarnate, but here it is anyway.
Bear this in mind when you hear about the next CW attack.
Interest from our press who screeched about Douma last April? None - what a shocker. Same as when they found the people from the WH propaganda videos who said it was a hoax.
Anyone who believes the official narrative at this point will believe anything.