This is what I'm complaining about - you are just distorting and dodging answering and now resorting to ridicule and insults to try and avoid answering something really simple - either you were wrong with your claim that the rebels had surrendered or Syrian government forces launched a massive attack on a group that had surrendered... it isn't hard to acknowledge
I have always said their situation was militarily hopeless and on the brink of surrender as it was. Negotiations broke down and fighting recommenced, and? Defeat was inevitable. You admit it was staged so Assad DIDN'T use chemical weapons. I don't even get where you're going with this. Your argument is that bad and it being staged undermines it even more.
OK then where is the UK acting like an airforce for the jihadis?
How about, you know, when they launched cruise missiles at Syria on the basis of lies by the Army of Islam and the White Helmets? That didn't happen? Such an insane action gives plausbility to the fact they will do it again or worse in Idlib hence why they backed down in their August offensive. The same trick is happening again now.
Idlib would have been retaken now, but for US, UK, French action. Are you arguing otherwise? So it clearly benefits jihadis. This is plain as day, but not for you apparently.
I never stated a position on whether the UK cares about protecting civilians in Idlib or anywhere else I only pointed out that you are pushing one narrow explanation of a correlation without acknowledging and discounting or accounting for the other perfectly reasonable possible explanations.
Then why a long paragraph about the civilians in Idlib if that's not your argument? Do you even know what you are arguing here?
Let's keep this basic for you:
Idlib is full of thousands of Al Qaeda, correct?
Idlib is Syrian territory, correct?
The US, UK & France have no legal basis to act in Syria, correct?
In August 2018 Syria & Russia backed down under pressure from those countries over their Idlib offensive, correct?
Because of this Al Qaeda remained in control when otherwise they would have been defeated, correct?
A new offensive is in the early stages now and the same threats are being made by the same countries, correct?
Who benefits from all this then, Rroff? Give me another one of your affected non-committal word salads meaning nothing.
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