ISIL, ISIS, Daesh discussion thread.



18 Sep 2003
Ah, playing musical chairs...

that's the good thing about religion - people can pick and chose

want to hate gays... pick the bits from the bible that support it... want to justify slavery... do likewise... chose to ignore the bits about not eating pork though as Christians don't bother with adhering to that any more... don't worry about any contradictions... some 'scholar' will tell you what to believe as he has a deep understanding etc..

muslims can claims Islam is the religion of peace because all the nasty bits of the quran should be interpreted the way they've chosen to do so (or basically ignored)... likewise fundamentalists will justify their actions with all the nasty bits and ignore the interpretations followed by moderates

religion is pretty silly

Context my friends is everything.
5 Nov 2004
Central UK
How exactly are they going to deny anyone entry into their state? I can see the terrists now cursing their plans are foiled because the Governer said they aren't allowed in!

Hint: there are no internal borders in the US.

Looked into this a little further, they can't close the state borders to ***********, but I think they can deny the use of state resources towards housing, food, healthcare, education, or anything else. Ergo no accommodation. Or in laymans terms, **** off we're full.

Sounds very effective.
17 Apr 2009
Buddy was saying they used fake passports to rile up anti-Muslim sentiments. That makes no sense whatsoever. Perhaps it would make sense if they were riling up anti-refugee sentiments though, because the passport was Syrian. But the anti-Muslim feelings had little to do with the passport.

It makes perfect sense.

The people in charge at ISIS are religious zealots, not fools. These attacks aren't just about killing the 'infidels'. They're largely about encouraging Islamophobia in western nations. The more alienated European and NA Muslims feel, the more likely they are to support the aims of IS, be that through moral support, financial support or actually fleeing to Syria to fight in the war. Friday's attack was essentially a recruitment tool.

Then there's the matter of all these fighting age males fleeing in to Europe. That has to be frustrating for IS. It surely wouldn't harm their cause if we refused to let any more in - they might even find a significant number of recruits among the people we turn away.
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18 May 2006
It surely wouldn't harm their cause if we refused to let any more in

The more we let in, the bigger their ghettos become

The bigger their ghettos become, the more impossible they are to Police

The more impossible they are to Police, the more freedom they have to conceal radical preaching, weapons and ISIS personnel.

We already have one festering Molenbeek in Europe, we do not need hundreds more.

Besides, the idea of letting anyone in is simple minded in the extreme, all that is required is to house them just outside Syria until ISIS are gone, then every single one of them can go back home (or maybe fight for their own damn lands, like everyone other country on the planet has had to do :mad:)

There is no "human right" to freely enter another country and disrupt its culture irrevocably, just because a few naive Lefties have a sad face on and want to use other people's money to make that sad face go away.
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2007
Russia going in dry. RIP Infidels

Getting wet as well:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian navy in the Mediterranean to establish contact with its French counterparts and work together in a campaign against the Islamic State group in Syria.

"It's necessary to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies," Mr Putin told military leaders, according to AFP news agency.They should plan joint actions "both at sea and in the air", he said. Earlier French President Francois Hollande said the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle would be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean.

Separately, the Kremlin said the two leaders had agreed to step up co-operation in phone discussions. They are due to meet in Moscow on 26 November.
13 Jan 2003
Also I think timing is everything. Australia's first muslim political party launched on monday claiming that although sorry nothing todo with those involved in the part, but they do not support booming or invading muslim countries. Although possibly someone may point out the being inclusive and engaged with Australian life would mean understanding that could be considered rather untimely rather than putting off for a bit. If you're going to say you're not going to lift a finger to help combat extremist terrorists - that's also going to cause a considerable amount of friction.

14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Getting wet as well:

As much as I like to see Russia and France teaming up to wipe out the animals, I hope they realize that Islamic extremists killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11, faced the wrath of the mightiest super power on Earth for a decade, and still lived to re-brand as ISIS/ISIL. They need to learn from the mistakes others made and not just carpet bomb mountains in a fit of anger....creating more extremists in the process. Clearly, military might isn't enough. A new approach is needed.

No, I don't have the answer :(
13 Jan 2003
Besides, the idea of letting anyone in is simple minded in the extreme, all that is required is to house them just outside Syria until ISIS are gone, then every single one of them can go back home (or maybe fight for their own damn lands, like everyone other country on the planet has had to do :mad:)

Actually this is exactly why Germany's Merkel is having discussions with Turkey and possibly paying for the privilege.

Now Turkey have been linked with paying groups that hate the PKK (Kurds) they hate and cause problems with IS recruits getting over the turkish border. Hence Turkey like ISIS in that regard.
However other western countries have been funding Kurds because they fighting ISIS.

ISIS hate everyone (including muslims) because they will not accept their self declared leader as the one true voice.

The problem here is muslims face 'death' in regard to questioning pretty much anything religious.. unless it's defined by their religious leader as being valid. This is why you have lots of muslim groups killing each other and those not in conflict are not lifting a finger.

The problem is islam itself needs it's religious leaders to guide it to integrate if it's followers aren't to feel segregated. However integration would depower the leader's control so that's not going to happen. So it's poor followers only have their leaders to blame but by religious law cannot question.

I'd be happy to have someone clarify that control structure within muslim/islam as this is just observations from an external point of view.
Man of Honour
29 May 2004
Tall building nearby
What these idiots and the innocent Muslims caught in the middle need is an alternative to the caliphate. One that does not involve taking over lands and setting up any kind of government, a pope if you like for the Muslims of the world. With that a counsel of learned religious scholars, who would sensibly debate religious scriptures and their relevance in today's world.

Anyway, regardless of the fact that God himself would have to come down from heaven and tell them to do this before they would do it, we are stuck with trying to fathom solutions to how we solve these problems.
17 Apr 2009
The more we let in, the bigger their ghettos become

The bigger their ghettos become, the more impossible they are to Police

The more impossible they are to Police, the more freedom they have to conceal radical preaching, weapons and ISIS personnel.

We already have one festering Molenbeek in Europe, we do not need hundreds more.

Besides, the idea of letting anyone in is simple minded in the extreme, all that is required is to house them just outside Syria until ISIS are gone, then every single one of them can go back home (or maybe fight for their own damn lands, like everyone other country on the planet has had to do :mad:)

There is no "human right" to freely enter another country and disrupt its culture irrevocably, just because a few naive Lefties have a sad face on and want to use other people's money to make that sad face go away.

So we're damned either way then? :p

I'm not suggesting the refugees should be allowed to go to a country of their choosing. In fact, refugee camps in the Middle East probably are the best solution we could come up with. A hardening of European attitudes certainly isn't a defeat for IS though. There is no way the leadership wasn't well aware as to how Europe would react to Paris - our response has been utterly predictable. As a result you have to wonder, what were they trying to achieve?
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14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
What these idiots and the innocent Muslims caught in the middle need is an alternative to the caliphate. One that does not involve taking over lands and setting up any kind of government, a pope if you like for the Muslims of the world. With that a counsel of learned religious scholars, who would sensibly debate religious scriptures and their relevance in today's world.

Anyway, regardless of the fact that God himself would have to come down from heaven and tell them to do this before they would do it, we are stuck with trying to fathom solutions to how we solve these problems.

That would be awesome. As you say though, not going to happen. I'm sure if that was even suggested those responsible would be slaughtered immediately for their blasphemy.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Seems Russia has decided to let the big boys off the leash.

Talks about aviation porn. That is pure filth. :cool:

But what is it going achieve? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They might kill some ISIS members, sure, but you know they'll kill 10 innocent people for every 1 extremist. So now half of those families will be all "death to Russia!". so 1 dead bad guy and a bunch of new ones created in the process. It's not going to work...we've been there and done that already. Have we learned nothing?
7 Sep 2009
With that a counsel of learned religious scholars, who would sensibly debate religious scriptures and their relevance in today's world.

This already exists
Each sect have a bunch of well learned scholars who have jurisprudence that applies to today and not 1400 years ago. A lot of the famous ones tend to have a q&a section for day to day issues or questions. And you will find many that promote unity between the two main groups - Shia and sunni.
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
I think islam needs it's Jesus moment.

they need a new prophet to come and replace the teachings of the quran and leave the rules of hate behind. As the NT does to the OT.

God obviously saw that all was not well and sent his son to correct the messages that had been twisted and misinterpreted.

He/She now needs to do the same for islam and reset so that they can live peacefully and progress as human beings no longer tied to mohammed.
7 Sep 2009
I think islam needs it's Jesus moment.

they need a new prophet to come and replace the teachings of the quran and leave the rules of hate behind. As the NT does to the OT.

God obviously saw that all was not well and sent his so to correct the messages that had neen.twisted and misinterpreted.

He/She now needs to do the same for islam and reset so that they can live peacefully and progress as human beings no longer tied to mohammed.

Both Islam and Christianity await the second coming of Jesus.
Both Shia and Sunni await the coming of the Mehdi after Jesus
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