islam and violence...again

As i speak i am at the british library to sort my essays out, i will be back on moday night to deal with one or few issues raised in here. Especially the dude that claim i wasnt "a proper muslim".
zain said:
Not a very learned muslim are you. Wow you changed from muslim to non muslim? Rare thing. Islam clearly states peace between religions, islamic history (if you learnt it) will show that many faiths existed peacefully together. Remember, the people are flawed in their beliefs and the way that they act, not the religion.

I just see this thread as another shot at muslims and for people to show their hatred, the very same people make up excuses when muslims are the victims from non muslims - pathetic.

Haa, there you go. What makes you think i wasnt a learned muslim? Let me guess because i stated the obvious fact with references back to my home country etc or the fact that you find it hard to accept the truth?

I changed from Muslim to non-muslim and you think that is a rare thing? How short-sighted you are, I know at least three people in the uk and Hundreds more back home. I guess it is not "acceptable" to change fromo a muslim to a non-muslin in your views right :rolleyes: Another excellent display of what quran teaches - intolerance. I bet you, you wont even accept a "Gay muslim" exist as they are considered unclean...enough said.

This thread wasnt a shot at muslims more like a shot at what you and those imbecile do best - cause havoc and repress freedom of expression, embrace violence, intolerance and yet make tge claim of how peaceful islam is! I just didnt tittled this thread "ISLAM AND VIOLENCE....AGAIN" for nothing.

Over the weekends protest spread to Nigeria and churches were once again burnt down by ...well you guessed it MUSLIM! on top of that, 16 NON-MUSLIM killed. Waow, how many more? how long will all these stupidity takes?
Recent poll (over weekend just gone or so) by iirc a newspaper here shows "40% of Muslim support/sympathise the cause of the 7/7 bombers" there you go. All evidence shows your faith to embrance violence period. If you are too blind to see the colours of the rainbow your violent faith is making, at least you can smell the coffee of intolerance it is brewing.
Ceareatus said:
I bet the cartoonist is papping himself. :rolleyes:

He made a statement, somethin like "Islam is the spiritual fuel for post 9/11 terrorism" or something like that. If you ask me i'd say he is right.
Freak_boy said:
actually we Believe that Islam is just a little modified version of christianity and Jewism. He never taught that, and i have never ever been taught to kill someone or anything you have said, This post and others like it show how misguided you really are. Yes Islam talks about punishments, but then what do you expect to happen to you when you dont follow it? its a bit like saying i am not gonna follow the law of this land and then not expect to land in jail (well i know nowadays you hardly go in jail ;) but then thats democracy for you)

Why is it so hard to accept these things. I am not taking lines out and using them as i wish but the message the WHOLE chapter is giving out is what im talking about. One statement commonly made by those who are into Religion study is this "Each and everyone understanding of the holy books is slightly different but we all get the message it is kicking out".
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