IT ignorance in movies

30 Dec 2003
i thought id make a thread for people to post their examples of movies with complete ignorance for real world IT and computing.

i think the most classic example is 'Independence Day' where an alien ship was infected with a virus as if it was operating an earth OS
sam83uk said:
i thought id make a thread for people to post their examples of movies with complete ignorance for real world IT and computing.

i think the most classic example is 'Independence Day' where an alien ship was infected with a virus as if it was operating an earth OS

good thread dude, but there are too many to name !!

i am thinking huge graphic search windows for files, and GUI's that look amazing ... re. any recent spy or espionage movie...

anyone seen 'Death Warrant' when the female cop gets the help of a 14 year old nerd to hack into goverment files.. he does a lot of typing and stuff
Bourne Supremecy, the PDA that scans a fingerprint in about 0.5 of a second by it just being held in front of the screen.
Dravic said:
Swordfish, the hacking scenes were laughable.

Can't remember which film it is in, but there's one scene where they 'break in' and you see graphical tunnels and doors opening!

Also - I know it's not a movie, but "24" has to be one of the worst offenders! (even though I love it) :D
Here's a good one, probably...

The Net - Another of Sandra Bullock's finest moments.

Strangely enough I actually quite like it, but for a 'hacking/computer geek' film it is woefully off the mark.

Edit - Ooh, and what about Goldeneye. "I spike you!" Now there's hacking.
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I wasnt that interested in the thread, but I looked at the topic creator and just had to have a peek to see if anyone made that joke.

I remember reading a blog and the guy was saying - 'how come we never see Windows on computers in movies?'

Kind of true, all movies with computers just have some basic, dodgy OS.
divine_madness said:
Why do so many of these examples involve 'hacking'? :p

Because the Hollywood version of hacking is that it is sneaky and dangerous and sexy...

Whereas the truth about hackers is that they are invariably acne-ridden anaemic loners, either obese or hideously underweight, wearing a Tux T-shirt and living with their parents.

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