IT ignorance in movies

Hmm just got back from Die Hard 5... there's a large portion of Jurassic Parkesque "It's a X System/Hacking... I know this" in there..
Glad I'm not the first to mention Deja Vu, that film was just ridiculous.

'Accidentally' discovering time travel using camera and satellites, managing to render it in 3D, photo-realistic quality in real-time, with the video from two or three satellites, and being able to zoom in and out, and rotate at will, from the present?! :o
NickK said:
Hmm just got back from Die Hard 5... there's a large portion of Jurassic Parkesque "It's a X System/Hacking... I know this" in there..

was it better than die hard 4.0? :D
resurgam said:
X Windows I think.

Worst one has to be Independence Day surely?

Why? It's a sci-fi film not a factual documentary about how to knock out alien Motherships with a virus that may or may not be compatible with their OS!
I'm sorry but films would be incredibly dull if they actually showed real computer software. It's be full of crappy loading bars, egg timers and text shells. Things wouldn't work and films would last an extra four hours whilst the IT guy was on screen fixing silly problems.
Welshy said:
Glad I'm not the first to mention Deja Vu, that film was just ridiculous.

'Accidentally' discovering time travel using camera and satellites, managing to render it in 3D, photo-realistic quality in real-time, with the video from two or three satellites, and being able to zoom in and out, and rotate at will, from the present?! :o

I think the satellite explanation they told Denzel Washington was just bs because they didn't want him to know that they were actually controlling a wormhole into the past (it was controlling the wormhole that allowed them to zoom/rotate etc).
Most people had trouble getting Mac OS 9 to talk to Windows yet ol' Jeff managed to code a virus for an alien mothership with it.

I say he deserves a job a OcUK Tech dept. personally ;)

Another classic has to be "Under Siege 2" with Segal..

"I can't break the encryption... Ah well a gig of RAM outta do it" :rolleyes:
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Not in a movie as such, but those 'Piracy is Theft' trailers they have on dvds have always made me think they've shot themselves in the foot. People will see how fast the progress bar on the film that lass is downloading is moving and think, 'wow, I could have downloaded the entire film in the time you've forced me to sit through this crap!'
Jurassic Park: "This is a UNIX system...I know this"

Stop scrolling around with your mouse then.

A similar comment to the just above, I had a few SGI machines (think it was my Indy and one of my Indigo2 farm) that had the very same, if not, an identical version, of that browser, running in Irix or Unix depending on the machine.

It wasn't 'the one to use' (especially on the Indigo2), more of a toy, as there was always a pile of demonstration and showoff tools on 'em and I belive in that case that was it's main purpose on the machine :D
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Dano said:
That's just reminded me of one of the worst offenders, Enemy of the State, where the not only zoom in but are able to rotate the image in a third dimension to see a bulge on the back of a bag, awful, just awful.

I thought that was pretty well done (as was the movie as a whole). Using freely available tools you can now create 3D models based on a series of photographs and a bit of skill, why would the NSA not be able to do image processing that makes educated guesses as to the shape of objects and stuff based on their shadows and lighting? It's supposed to be slightly futuristic in the capabilities of the NSA.

Plus, let's face it, if you were installing security cameras in that store, you'd install the highest resolution cameras on the planet.

And I was pleasantly supprised by the IT stuff in Die Hard 4.0, it was a lot better than I was expecting. Not great but better than the usual hollywood rubbish.

24 - **** Cisco. I don't care how much money they paid, give it back and shove their "Self-healing" network up their ****.
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I don't believe anyone has mentioned the fantastic Hackers yet.

It's brilliant! Proving geeks are far-and-away the coolest members of society, hacking provides huge enjoyment through its depiction of lush, computer generated play worlds and finally, wooing Angelina Jolie is as easy as discussing CPU architecture. Class.

Was wondering when someone would say hackers :). Also the girl in Jurrasic Park lockinh the doors.
Ak!ta said:
I like 24, but it has to be one of the worst for this... :p

For a start they use Macs, in a Government building, that is not possible, they would crash and not work most of the time.....
Prob been said but i hate all the stupid beeps they make which just doesnt happen. Also when the fancy "downloading" progress bars that just pop out of no where
Gigi said:
Everything important is held in the "Recycle Bin"
I normally find some intresting stuff in there when people want me to check their pcs so they must have gone and deleted anything dodgy but forget to clear the recycle bin :p
Wzd said:
I cant believe no one has mentioned Weird Science!

No matter how many bra's i put on my head, i still cant make Kelly Le Brock explode through my bedroom door!! ...and why does Hacking in movies always involve fancy 3D graphics, even in the 80's!

Dawm you! :D

Just been flicking through the whole thread thinking how comes no ones mentioned this! :D

However at the age of 26 I have finally given up trying to get a supermodel appear out of a spectrum :D
It has been mentioned but the whole using keyboard for everything is laughable, fair enough youi can get far using solely the keyboard, i regularly make a point of learning a new keyboard shortcut, but typing on the keyboard to zoom into a specific area of an image is silly.

And the algorithms used to sharpen blurry images is truely amazing in films it seems.

Also how encryption is always crackable in less than 5 minutes.
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