IT ignorance in movies

I think my favourite is in 24 when Jack "reprograms" a standard flash memory card (SD I think) to self-destruct! I love that show but when people at work started asking if I could show them how to do that I did laugh!
ricky1981 said:
I think my favourite is in 24 when Jack "reprograms" a standard flash memory card (SD I think) to self-destruct! I love that show but when people at work started asking if I could show them how to do that I did laugh!

Not solid-state media but it is very easy to turn a floppy disc or HDD into an incendiary device.

penski said:
Not solid-state media but it is very easy to turn a floppy disc or HDD into an incendiary device.


...if I blow myself up I'm suing you.


Edit: Oh, it's not the matches/nail polish thing is it? meh
Ever seen Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe? The abuse of IT was funny, although the movie was pretty darned good.
shifty_uk said:
I hate it in movies when they sit and type, yet never use a mouse. :confused:
99% of the time it's faster, it's not like their using Windows, maybe there is no need for a mouse.
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Tax Evader said:
Superman III - where computer instructions (such as the money stealing thing) are entered as English sentences...
Won't have anyone have a dig at the man in red pants - can't remember the scene exactly but I imagine something like MS SQL English Query was used :p
At least in one of the matrix films they actually used a proper system to break into a mainframe using the proper commands.

What gets me is the fact that in movies, nearly every computer can read the same media wether it be pc or mac.
shifty_uk said:
I hate it in movies when they sit and type, yet never use a mouse. :confused:

It's not a movie, but CSI is terrible for this. Especially the zooming in on CCTV footage. :o

Lol on both counts.

"Zoom in on his face." ---> Type type type type type. What are you doing, inputting the co-ordinates of the photo? :confused:

I love how they can make a 3d image of someone's face from the reflection of the back third of their head in a 2d image, esp in a few taps on the keyboard.

And I have no knowledge of whether this actually means anything or not, but I want to learn how to 'open up a socket', a la 24 :cool:
Domo said:
Won't have anyone have a dig at the man in red pants


BTW in the bourne supremacy the PDA the guy exists in RL IIRC.

Theres is HP PDA with built in fingerprint scanner which they use.

Transmitting Realtime Satellite imagery with IR tracking is not totally implausible. (reffering to 24 yeah)

Perhaps the phone has HSDPA with 1mb+ connection (looked like some sort of palm treo to me so probably not but you get the idea) so could in theory easily receive the data from CTU in realtime
I don't believe anyone has mentioned the fantastic Hackers yet.

It's brilliant! Proving geeks are far-and-away the coolest members of society, hacking provides huge enjoyment through its depiction of lush, computer generated play worlds and finally, wooing Angelina Jolie is as easy as discussing CPU architecture. Class.

The soundtrack was pretty kewl.
Wang Computer said:
I don't believe anyone has mentioned the fantastic Hackers yet.

It's brilliant! Proving geeks are far-and-away the coolest members of society, hacking provides huge enjoyment through its depiction of lush, computer generated play worlds and finally, wooing Angelina Jolie is as easy as discussing CPU architecture. Class.

The soundtrack was pretty kewl.

That was a totally class film

Especially the chase with the roller skates in the end as well

Another things that really irks me - children are always depicted as possessing some innate genius for computing, somehow humiliating any adult that would dare to challenge them. Children are terrible at everything, especially computing!
To be frank it's probably easier to list the number of movies which have actually made a decent fist of things.

I seem to remember one of the Matrix films getting a lot of praise because Trinidy was actually doing things 'the correct way'.

Now it's many years since I watched it, but I seem to remember Antitrust (that Microsoft spoof with Tim Robbins) wasn't too bad either - although that could be rose-tinted spectacles as I quite enjoyed the film.

At the end of the day though, the vast majority of Movies are there to entertain, not be factually accurate. Unless a movie is specifically aimed at or focussing on geeks, I think producers would be wasting a lot of time, effort and money in trying to have realistic IT sequences. Now, while in recent years many people now have home PCs and the internet, at the time many of these films were made, that wasn't the case. Your average Joe Bloggs cinema goer in the 90s is not going to know/care about whether some little dialog box that pops up is realistic or not as long as it conveys the point it is trying to.
Any film where they zoom in on an image or CCTV footage. firstly - all with the keyboard and only a couple of key strokes? huh. lol. and also the stupidly high amount then can zoom in and still get details from it.

makes me cringe.. as to some of the other films mentioned like Hackers.. god i hate being a geek. what i like is people at my old school used to think that it actualy happend like that.. on the upside they thought i was cool becuase appearently i could do it lmao.
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